Chapter 3:The Tour

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I hear two male voices coming from a room. I follow the voices ,and I see the boy named Newt standing with a tall boy with dark hair.
"We can't keep doing this Newt, our friends are dying." The tall dark haired boy said. " I know Thomas, but I don't know what else to do'' Newt whispered "Lower your voice Tommy." Right when he said that a woman entered the room with two men that looked like security guards. With one word from the blonde woman the
guards grab Newt by the arm and take him. The boy named Thomas starts calling out for him and I join. "Newt, no! Stop, you can't take him!" | scream "It's okay Sis, We will meet again." Newt said sadly. Thomas walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, we will figure this out."
End of dream.
I am awoken to a tap on my shoulder. I jolt up and rub my eyes. It's just Alby. I sigh, and he puts a finger to his lips and hushes me. He motions me to follow him. I slip my shoes on and follow. "Are you okay Y/N? Seemed like you were having a nightmare." Alby asked quietly "Yeah I'm okay. Just a dream, it felt so real though." He looked away as I followed him. He led me to an old, worn down staircase, and we walked up. When we got to the top he said "Come here Y/N, look through this window." I see these big machines that look like monsters, and I hear one scream. "Grievers." I say with a shaky voice. "Yep" Alby replied "Those are things that roam the maze every night. I guess they are less active during the day." I swallow hard and ask "That's why the doors close? What happens if someone gets stuck at night?" Alby looked at me with cold, hard eyes. "Nobody ever survives a night in the maze."
Alby leads me back to the homestead as the sun comes up. I see Newt walking around the homestead. I approach him, and with a smile he says "Morning Y/N. How was your first night?" My heart sank after remembering the dream from last night.I still need to figure out if that was a memory or my mind just playing tricks on me. I sighed "It was okay, I guess, I didn't get much sleep." Suddenly Chuck walked up behind me, he made the mood lighten up almost immediately. We sat down for breakfast ,and before I knew it, breakfast was over and it was time to go try out all the jobs. Newt and I walked over to a shed and when we walked in I met with a boy who introduced himself as Winston. I smile at him and Newt leaves me with him. Winston speaks up and says "Time to get to work Greenie, this is the slaughter house. We tend to all the animals and all the slaughtering here.'' I look at him with pure disgust reflecting on my face. He chuckles and leads me to a workstation and explains what to do.I thought the day couldn't be over quick enough. I go straight to the washrooms and wash off. I feel disgusting.I hear the dinner bell ring and I'm off to dinner. By the time I get to the dining hall I realize how tired I am. I eat my food quickly and head to my hammock for, what is hopefully to be, a good night's sleep.

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