Chapter 11: Stung

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Thomas POV-
It's been 12 hours since Y/N stung herself.. It's been miserable. I haven't left her side since she's been in the med-jacks. She's been screaming names and pulling at her clothes like she's in pain.. It's agony to see her like this, it makes me sick to my stomach. It seems like she has calmed down a bit so I grab her hand and leave a small kiss on her palm. "I'm right here, please wake up."
The glade has gone to utter shit. Gally now thinks he is in charge and he is talking about banishing Y/N and I.. Luckily we have already come up with a plan. That shank has no idea what is going on, if he had it his way he would stay here forever. While I'm deep in my thoughts I hear newt enter the room to check on Y/N. As soon as he enters she jolts and takes a deep breath in.
Y/N's POV:
I jolt up and take a deep breath in. I get my barings about and I look around and see Clint and Jeff standing in the corner and I hear tommy say
"hey. how are you?" I immediately get in his arms and squeeze him tight. "I missed you too much, I was so worried about you." He says with his face buried in my neck. Newt clears his thoroughly and says "hello?
I'm still here." He chuckles. I move back to the cot and look at both the boys. Newt asks "what do you remember?" He is wearing a concerned look on his face "Alby was right Thomas... we worked for WCKD.. we did this to our friends.. but we did something to make them question our loyalty and I think that's why we are here.. newt, we are related.. We are twins, and apparently we are very special to WCKD." Both the boys have a shocked look on their face. "That's why I felt so close to you from the second I saw you.." Newt realizes. I get up and go hug my brother. I sat back down and turned my direction to Thomas, "Thomas.. we were together outside of this place.. we had a beautiful relationship we were in love just like we are now.. Before they took you.. you told me no matter what we would get through this together.. and we did." I smile and give him a small kiss. I could feel him smile against my lips and it earned a gag from newt. We all three laugh. "Guys.. this place is not what we thought it was.. it's not a prison or holding place, it's a test
They give us challenges to see what we can withstand.. how much we can take." "Thomas. you and I watched them for years struggle up here and we did nothing about it..." I say ashamed of my past self "It doesn't matter Y/N, who you guys were before the maze doesn't matter anymore, it's who you guys are now that matters...All that matters is what we do now. Tommy you went into the maze and you found a way out. Newt continues speaking
"Gally has taken control, he has the whole glade convinced that you and Tommy are the cause for all of this.. He gave us all the ultimatum: either join him or be banished with you two at sundown. If we don't get out of here then that means Alby died for nothing.. and I can't have that." My heart dropped in my chest and he said that. I look at Thomas with panic on my face. He places a hand on my shoulder and says "don't worry Y/N, we have a plan."

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