Chapter 6: Leo

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I woke up in a place that looked like the savanna but I saw gray rods surrounding me. I walked over to one and pushed against it. It didn’t budge. I looked around for my mother and Fiercerock. I only saw Amara slumped on the ground, Liana waking up looking dazed, and Ayan standing up, looking around.
I rushed over to Amara and pounced on her. She gasped and opened her eyelids.
“What just happened?” she mumbled. Liana and Ayan rushed over to us.
“Is everyone okay?” asked Liana worriedly
“Yes, we’re all okay,” Ayan assured her.
“Good.” she said, relieved “But where in the world are we?” she asked, now looking perplexed
“Good question, but I have no idea.” I replied, but I had a drowning suspicion about where we were, and it wasn’t good. I didn’t have to voice my thoughts though.
“Guys,” Amara said in a small voice “I think we’re in a furless cage.”

To Be Continued…

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