A Simple Moment

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Originally posted on 11-10-23.


It always starts off slow, a simple yet seemingly precious moment in which they are both alone with one another. They may make flirtatious and loving remarks, giving the other a few kisses. But they will eventually start to get more fervid in their actions.

His hands will bring her close, as she will reach her arms around his neck, both holding the other in their arms. Pressing against each other, as they start to get more desperate with their kisses.

Clothing is then removed by whatever means from them both. Neither wanting to stay clothed any further.

They then become one.

When they do so, she is often relentless in touching him, in feeling him.

Every single touch, he feels. Every single nerve being stimulated, every single tiny hair reacting to the sensation of another's skin touching his own, he feels. From the soft gentle caresses, to the more forceful and arousing grabbing, it all makes his skin, his flesh, tingly and warm.

He didn't just want it, he craved it.

Having another be so intimate with him, while he too gets to be so intimate with them. It was nothing short of exhilarating. With his mind being unable to focus on anything other than the senses he experiences with her.

Her smell. A mixture of simple body washes and shampoo, but when mixed with her sweats, her body oils, made it her essences. It was a scent that was irresistible to him, and it only really was most potent when they were like this, one with each other. To him, it was intoxicating, something he desired more than air, something he couldn't get enough of when it filled his lungs.

Her taste. Being able to vary from the sweetest flavor to a most savory one. To him, the flavor of her being was able to be both physical and mental. It being utterly delectable when compared to food. It made his mind numb to anything else, and his body restless.

The sight. Seeing her like this, in her purest form without anything obscuring his vision from her body, was something he could never forget. The elegance of her figure. The smooth texture of her skin. The way the lighting of the room graces her. The shapes and curves her body had filled out since reaching adulthood. And of course, how it is her willingly showing all of herself to him, because it is her choice to do so. There was no other way he could describe her other than beautiful.

And he gets to have all this to himself.

Of course, it only inflates his ego and libido, because it is true. But it also means that he knows not to take it for granted. For to lose what he has in this moment, would be to lose a very piece of his soul. His being. And by God, would he be willing to sacrifice a lot to keep this.

But it is not as though she doesn't feel similar.

He can tell by the way she feverishly savors these moments. With the cacophony of noises she lets out as she takes in all of his touches, while being generous with her own. However, it is when they start to get engulfed in these sensations that her true wants come to surface. The way she'll wrap herself around him, their bodies seeming to fit perfectly together, refusing to let him be apart from her in the slightest. Not even caring at all about what repercussions could possibly come about from doing such a thing, it just screams possessiveness.

And he loves it entirely.

The fact that she desires him as much as he does her.

The way she pushes her body into him as they become one.

How she mumbles about the pleasure or how much she needs him, blurring the lines between sweet nothings and genuine confessions.

The knowledge that after two decades of loneliness, that there is at least someone who does want him, and that he gets to have them as well.

This serves to embolden his passion, and in response, she meets it with her own.

It is all a nearly overwhelming frenzy of emotions and sensations that disorients them both to their surroundings, making them indifferent to everything else besides this single moment as it carries them both into ecstasy and orgasmic highs.

And afterwards, when they have been fully stimulated to the point of being left breathless and very sensitive, their bodies too engrossed in pleasure and exhaustion to move, they hold onto one another as they let their minds drift. Both too tired to bother caring in the slightest as to whatever state they may lay in, covered in nothing but bedding and the sweats worked up from their passion.

They will just rest in the jubilant afterglow that they created.

It is at this moment, that all Shinji could bring himself to say is, "I love you, Rei..."

A simple three syllables, but truly, those three syllables are all that's needed.

Rei lazily opens her beautiful ruby eyes, nothing but adoration in them as they stare into his sapphire irises, that rare small but beautiful smile she has forms on her lips.

Despite the exhaustion, she still pushes herself to respond to him, "I love you too, Shinji..."

With that, the two just snuggle into the embrace between them.

Neither have to worry about the other being disingenuous. As in these moments, When the walls and masks that have been put up are utterly broken down from each other, it leaves them with no doubts that they truly mean it when they utter the words to each other.

Both can rest easily assured, neither caring to overthink or complicate their feelings. They simply state the truth of what they feel to one another.

And it is love that they feel.

And they find solace that they could express such a wonderful feeling to the other.

It is because of this, that they are able to fall asleep, perfectly comfortable in the other's arms. All the while, they dream of one another. Utterly content, despite all the world has done to them, and it is all because they have each other.

For Shinji and Rei, as long as they can be together, that is enough.


Cross posted on 11-11-23.

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