Of Boyfriends and Ice Cream

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Originally posted on 12-04-23. 


Asuka sighed and rubbed her eyes as she stepped aboard the crowded metro train, deciding to stand and hold on to the hand rails rather than try to find a seat that would get her crammed between two people. She held tight to the metal bar as the automated doors of the train car closed and the whole cabin jolted as the train started moving along the tracks.

The redhead gazed out the window at the afternoon sky for a moment while massaging her hand on her thigh, before she then adjusted her satchel book bag so that she could pull out her phone from her pocket. She opened it and tapped on the text app. Barely even sparing a glance at her contacts she clicked precisely on the one she wanted. Her boyfriends. While not difficult for Asuka, it did require more effort from her to type with her thumb while she held her phone.


(You better be at your place, I'm coming over.)

She texted despite knowing he should be home at the moment since she knew his schedule, though she wanted to make sure he didn't go to do something else.

It took a moment before she saw that they were typing back a response.

(I'm home)

(You didnt lose your key right?)

(Of course I didn't lose my key, dummy.)

(I'm not an idiot.)

(Ah just making sure)

(But you can still come over even when Im not home you know)

(I dont mind at all)

(Why would I want to go over if you're not going to be there?)

(I don't want to wait around.)

(Well you dont have to worry about that)

(Im here)

(I even bought those little icecream cup things youre so fond of)

(So youll have those waiting here for you)

(And ill gladly wait around for you as well)

(You dummy!)

Feeling her face slightly heat up, Asuka dipped her head into her jacket sleeve so as to try and hide the small blush that was now adorning her cheeks from being viewed by any other passengers. Fortunately for her, no one else in the passenger car was paying attention to her.

Looking out one of the windows of the train, she saw that she would be nearing the next station. Turning back to her phone, the girl sent another text and this time there was less time passed before a reply came.

(I'll be there soon.)


(See you soon <3)

Upon seeing the message, the redhead proceeded to again hide her face in her jacket.

As the train started slowing to a stop at the station, Asuka slid her phone back into her pocket and readjusted her bag on her shoulder. She let go of the handrail as it stopped and stood ready for the doors to open.

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