The moment of truth.

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Some time had passed, and Peni's workshop was submerged in an uncertain silence every second of it. The real Gwen was the first one to speak again, "So... now what?"

Miles pondered for a moment, his eyes landing on the morph-suit in his hands. The original plan had been to spend the entire summer in the Spider Society as Gwen. However, things had shifted —he found himself out of the suit— and he now had a choice. He looked at Gwen, then at Penny, and finally back at the suit.

"You know," Miles began, "the plan was to go ahead with the summer as you, and I still want to do that. But right now, I feel like there's no hurry to put the suit back on, right?"

Gwen, for some reason, couldn't help smiling. "Nope. No hurry at all."

Miles nodded. He gently placed the morph-suit into his backpack. "I want to hang out using my own face for a bit," he admitted. Then he looked at Gwen, who seemed to like the idea, her eyes even reflecting a hint of relief.

Peni, in a sudden burst of enthusiasm, began to bounce on her toes as her anime eyes lit up. "I know, I Know! There's this place, they sell chromo-waffles, it's delicious! Let's go there!"

Miles and Gwen exchanged perplexed glances. "Chromo-waffles?" Miles asked, his curiosity piqued.

Peni simply nodded, her grin infectious. "They're delicious! You've got to trust me on this one."

Miles and Gwen exchanged amused smiles and shrugged, deciding to take Peni's word for it.

Peni practically beamed with delight at their agreement, and with a skip in her step, she took the lead as they ventured out into the futuristic streets of New York in the year 3145.

Once at the chromo-waffles restaurant, Peni led Miles and Gwen to a cozy corner booth, and they settled in. As Peni took her seat, she felt a slight movement in her pocket. Gently, she extended her arm, and a small, bio-engineered spider crawled onto it. It was her cherished companion, SP//DR, her only memory of her father. Its round eyes gleamed with curiosity as it perched on her arm.

Soon, a cyborg waitress approached their table. Her movements were fluid and mechanical, and she carried three plates of chromo-waffles on a glowy holographic tray of bluish color. She set down the plates in front of them and then, with a polite nod, departed.

Peni and her spider, still perched on her arm, gazed at Miles and Gwen with anticipation in their big, round eyes. They seemed to be eagerly awaiting their reactions.

Miles and Gwen examined the silver waffles with skepticism. It looked like they were made of metal, with a green, glowy ball of ice cream on top. It didn't exactly appear appetizing. Peni and her spider continued to watch them intently, excitement bubbling in their eyes.

Miles and Gwen, unsure of what to expect, exchanged glances before simultaneously taking their first bites. Their expressions transformed from uncertainty to sheer wonder as the unexpected flavors exploded in their mouths. Their eyes widened in amazement as they savored the unique combination of synthetic textures and tastes.

"It's... it's so good!" Gwen exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight.

Miles, his mouth still full, managed to nod in agreement, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

Penny, with a triumphant smile, chimed in, "Told you!"

After indulging in the delightful chromo-waffles, it only took a matter of minutes for the plates to be wiped clean. They sat there in the colorful restaurant, contented expressions on their faces. Peni was the first one to break the silence.

"You know," she began, "it's really nice to have friends."

"Yeah, same. I can't thank you enough for what you have done, Peni," Miles responded.

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