Empathic verse

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In shadows deep,
an empath's soul,
Feels the world,
a tale untold.

Her heart, a mirror,
reflecting pain,
In every step,
she walks the same.

She weaves emotions,
a delicate thread,
Through highs and lows,
where paths are led.

With empathy as her guiding light,
She steps in shoes,
worn and tight.

A dance of feelings,
in her core,
She shares the burdens that others bore.

In understanding,
connection's art,
She binds the wounds,
a healing start.

Yet, in this journey,
emotions collide,
Her own heart wounded,
with tears to hide.

For empathy's gift,
a double-edged sword,
She feels the joy,
but bears the discord.

A tender soul, in a world so vast,
She navigates with kindness, from the past.
Her empathy, a beacon, burning bright,
A symphony of emotions, in the quiet night.

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