Chapter seven

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Madison begins ushering everyone out so we can save Alicia and everyone locked in the pantry but it's like time slowed for me, I can't stop panicking. Troy grabs my arm and pulls me towards the exit, I'm trying to break free but it's no use he's too strong. I realize this was all inevitable and now I must reap what I sow. I stand up, his reassuring hand on my waist the other still gripping my bicep.

"So is this your lover? Should I play protective dad and teach you the birds and the bees?" He says with a chuckle. This enrages me.

I shake out of Troy's grasp and walk to stand in front of my father, in one quick motion I throw a punch across his jaw making his head snap in the opposite direction.

"Don't talk, look at, or even breathe next to him. He's my nothing." I say out of breath and turn around shoulder checking Troy as I pass them and sitting on the edge of the chopper. My legs numb now, must be the adrenaline.

Troy walks over to me cautiously eyeing me up and down, taking in my distressed form. He goes to sit next to me and leans into my ear and whispers.

"You should let me clean that up before anyone notices it, you won't be leaving my side anytime soon ." He whispers lowly sending chills down my spine and sending butterflies to my stomach. I can't tell if he just repulses me or if underlying feelings could be surfacing but I just swallow.

"You were the one who pushed me to leave. I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you. I wish I never met you Troy Otto." I say looking at the ground. I won't meet his eyes, they're too observing.

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for science, like you said you're my nothing." He says angry and gets up to leave. He's just going to leave me here to limp.

I try and stand and to my surprise I feel no pain, I begin walking with the group normally, no one will suspect me now that I can walk. I don't have to break the news yet.

I walk to the semi Madison and my father arrived in waiting to leave, when Troy follows I'm worried he might snap. Maybe I shouldn't antagonize him because his short fuse could be a danger to us all.

I walk over to the other side the semis large body blocking me from view. Troy rounds the corner then rushes up to me grabbing my shoulders and pushing me into the side of the semi, he stares at me with rage and does the unexpected. He forces his lips onto mine. I don't know what snapped in him or what's snapping in my because now my hands are in his hair and I'm kissing back. The kiss is hot and rough, he lowers his hands to my waist pulling me closer. He pulls away quickly, backing away with a confused look on his face. He backs up and starts walking to the door to the semi, I'm left confused myself and angry.

"So that's it? What, was that an experiment too?" I yell at him.

"I don't know what that was okay? I can't explain it to you I don't know why I did it and it scares me. You scare me." He says angry. He climbs into the semi and slams the door.

Little does he know he scares me too. One minute I look at him and he's human, the next he's a monster. Maybe it's what I deserve, Troy is my karma.

The group returns with two new faces and Alicia. They're all busy loading up so I take this as my chance to look at my ankle to figure out what's going on. I bend down to lift my jeans revealing a scar. No flesh, no more blood. It healed. Seriously what did this man give me? I'm thinking he's my death half the time and my savior the other. It's all so confusing my head starts spinning and I feel sick to my stomach.

"Hey Ace are you alright? You don't look well honey." I hear Madison say.

It's all muffled and I clutch my pounding head, I think I'm having a panic attack or maybe it's a side effect. Or maybe it's because I haven't eaten in two days. Everything starts spinning and my surroundings become mush. I hear the semi door open and slam footsteps rushing to my aid.

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