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Hunter: You sure this will work?
Mabel: Yes, definitely, absolutely.
Mabel uses Stanfords printer to clone Hunter.
Cloneter: Greetings it is my greatest honor to meet you my creator.
Hunter: Mabel what should I name this one?
Mabel: What about Clonete...
Cloneter: You can call me whatever you want father.
Hunter: I'm not your father. I'm uh  I mean more like Fellow Gamer. Come on let's go get some dubs.

Suddenly the printer prints out an army of Hunters.


Hunter: Cloneter can you please fetch my Gatorade and Doritos.
Cloneter: Yes Father.
Amity: Hunter have you seen Ghost? What the heck is going on?
Hunter: Oh Amity meet my bestie Cloneter.
Amity: I thought Gus was your bestie.
Amity: Also can you please explain to me why your bestie looks like you?

Suddenly an army of Hunters come out of the basement.

Army of Hunters: Greetings Father.
Hunter: Oh my Titan!
Hunter: Hehehehehe......
Cloneter: Father is asleep...
Cloneter2: Let him have his asleep. Until then...


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