Valentine's Special

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🎮Clapjack🎮: Hey Miss Camila where are the  others?
Camila: Luz and Amity are having a date in Paris also Vee has a "playdate" with Masha upstairs.
🎮Clapjack🎮: Where's Gus?
Camila: Oh he's on ur Ps5 rn playing Fortnite.
🎮Clapjack🎮: Wait how did they get to Paris so quickly? Also what the heck is Paris?

Meanwhile at Paris.
Luz and Amity takes selfies of themselves at the Eiffel Tower.
Luz: Wanna get some Croissants Sweet Potato?
Amity: What is a croissant?

At the hole.
♦️Sasha♦️: Ok Mar Mar truth or dare?
Marcy: Truth.
♦️Sasha♦️: Who is ur crush?
💎Anne💎: Happy Valentines!
♦️Sasha♦️: Wait it's Valentines? I thought it was still Christmas that's why I still kept all the decor.
Marcy: Huh that's why it's still there.
♦️Sasha♦️: Also since when did u have a clock we could have used that?! I thought it was Christmas?!

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