Try but failed

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Ben and Lily walked side by side

"Oh Ben I can't be any happier."

"Well I'm glad you are." I put his arms around me

" I put his arms around me

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"I love you."

"I love you too."

"No I love you more and I can show you."

"Oh yeah?" I nod softly bitting my bottom lip hungrily making sure no one saw I pushed him into an empty class where 45 minutes later we came out I was fixing my top making sure I looked presentable I took out my mirror and see a bit of cum on my lip wiping it off while Ben came out behind me fixing his pants and belt then I made a napkin appeared wiping the cum of mine off him

"I love you." We kissed passionately tasting each other in our mouths then part

"Go on baby." He began to walk away but no before swatting my ass which I loved walking to my locker I open it and see from the corner of my mal knowing she's gonna put her plan in motion making my mirror enchanted her eyes glowed green summoning Mammon who made a small portal under Mal feet sinking her in

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Mal sees she chained up by her wrist along side her are evie Carlos and Jay when they see the king of greed Mammon

"Now I guess our little didn't goes as plan was it crow face." Mammon spoke directly to them that's when Glitz and Glam appeared

"You little rats did you really think my daughter wouldn't call for assistance."

"I mean you are too late anyways crow mouth." They part seeing the imp version of Glimmer

" They part seeing the imp version of Glimmer

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There laughed along her mom aunt and Mammon

"Your not gonna get away with this!" That made them laugh louder

"You stupid bitch! Oh have me and Ben have been hiding it well but I mean after all our rooms are enchanted with a sound proof barrier when we're fucking each other." Glimmer admits smirking Mal scoffed

"As if."

"Oh you poor little virgin mally. Ben and I have been seeing each other the moment I intersected his dream and now soon just one more act of jealousy and Ben will want nothing more than to completely be mine. So go on try your little plan but it's not gonna work." She smirked dangerously.

Glimmer POV

Back at Auradon physically I look over and see Mal glare at me but I listen in

"Hey, Bennyboo!"


"I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?"

"Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time. Next time."

"No, yeah. I completely understand. "Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains." I rolled my eyes total fake bullshit

"No, no, no."

"No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that."

"No, that's not it. No, no, no, I... I really do..."

"No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well, more for me, I guess."

"No, no. Hey... see that? Totally trust you. Totally."

"How are they?" My eyes began to glow pink

"Hmmm not really."


"Ugh just the dessert that Glimmy had for me was mouthwatering but thanks anyways." I smirked dangerously but pretend to fix my hair when I felt his hand on my lower back

"See you after the game my future girlfriend." He kissed my cheek gently and walked away as I closed my locker I turned and see the core shocked and Mal glaring at me walking over

"Aww did those pathetic sweets didn't match with what's between my mouthwatering pussy." I laughed deviently at her flipping my hair at her walking away.

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