Inside the TARDIS

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Once inside, the doctor began rambling on about his little "wibbley wobbly timey wimey stuff" while making the TARDIS move at such speeds that the people inside couldn't stay still for even a moment, crashing into walls and doors at such a frightening pace. "Starlight, wasn't it? Come here!" The doctor called out. "Me?" She questioned.
"Yes, you! Now move it!" While both of them attempted to drive the TARDIS at high-speed's, Aziraphale and Crowley not only had to put up with being knocked about, but they also had to sit next to a depressing young man named Hamlet, who was sobbing his eyes out over a girl by the name of Ophilia. "Oh, Ophilia! My wonderful, sweet Ophilia! Oh, woe is me!" The man cried out, seemingly in pain. Aziraphale was greatly confused by all of this as he didn't understand a word of the "timey wimey stuff" that the doctor seemed to be rambling on about. He still couldn't quite believe that all of those things that Starlight had described had turned out to be true, so he just tried to enjoy the ride to the best of his ability.
He looked over at Crowley, who was sitting closely next to him, with a slight he thought that this was an interesting situation for them both to be caught up in. He was strangely happy to be putting up with Hamlet's sobbing about Ophilia, as he was enjoying the experience of time travel. Starlight rushed through a time vortex, eventually slowing down enough so that she could recognise what was going on outside. "Oh, I remember this!" The doctor piped up. "Hey Crowley! Do you remember this, or is it just me? You to, Aziraphale!" Aziraphale couldn't be bothered to stand up, but he watched crowley stand on his toes so that he could look out of the windows on the TARDIS doors. "Yes, I do, actually. The creation of the universe..." crowley muttered in awe of going back to the day him and Aziraphale first met. "..Wasn't it just marvellous?.." the demon rambled on. "Yeah, it was great, wasn't it? I've seen it a bunch of times over and over again, you know, being a time lord and all." Crowley nodded, still taking in his surroundings. "You know, in as there the day that it happened, I made it happen." Crowley began to explain to everyone on board, but mainly the doctor, how delightful it was when he made the stars burst into glimmers of light and how earth was created from about 6000 of them, even if he got sent to hell for doing it. While the "girls" gossiped about time and space, Starlight was greatly struggling to control the TARDIS. Aziraphale had a big, wide, toothy smile on his face as he eavesdropped  on what crowley and the doctor had been talking about for the past ten minutes or so. He was filled with pure awe and joy as he heard them talk about the creation of the universe. Seeing crowley with his little black wings reminded him of how amazing this whole experience actually was. He then looked over with interest to see how Starlight was getting along with the TARDIS. "Sorry to interrupt your precious gossip session, but I'm gonna need a little help here." She yelled out, annoyed at the doctor for not helping her fly his spaceship. "Of corse, sorry, crowley, give me just a second!" He politely excused himself as he went over to help Starlight at last. The doctor went back into panic mode as he couldn't control the TARDIS very well. Aziraphale stood up at last, rocking about all over the place, trying to have a look at what was going on over there. At last, the doctor and Starla landed the TARDIS in yet another universe. Aziraphale watched as they landed the ship and felt slightly amused yet concerned at how chaotic the situation was becoming. The early they managed to land the TARDIS had taken him by surprise, as he had no idea that time machines could do so many of the things that he was seeing right then and there. "JUMP!" Cried the doctor. "WHAT?" Starla replied, yelling out to the doctor whilst stumbling about all over the place, straining to hear over the millions of David Tennant cries in the spaceshuttle. "ALL OF YOU, GET OUT OF MY SPACE SHIP NOW!" He yelled. "LINE UP OUTSIDE!" Hamlet dramatically rolled towards the door, still sobbing over Ophilia. "YOU, YES, YOU! MOPING MINNIE BY THE DOOR! STOP BLOCKING EVERYBODY'S PATH AND GET OUT OF MY TARDIS!" The doctor screamed. Starlight sighed with relief, thinking that this was finally her universe. She was extremely proud of herself for landing the TARDIS single handedly, or at least with barely any input from the doctor whatsoever. Aziraphale had become very amused by the fact that the doctor and Starlight had been able to handle the situation while getting everyone back to their own universes. He listened closely as he found the way that Starlight had spoken to the group to be quite funny. "You heard the doctor, everyone, make sure to leave the TARDIS, don't take anything with you." Aziraphale told Crowley and Hamlet, who hadn't been listening to what was going on. He couldn't believe that this whole travel situation had actually ended up quite well, as he was impressed by Starlight's ability to fix the problem. The group piled out of the TARDIS all at once, falling onto the floor. The first place they'd been dropped off to, almost like on a bus ride coming home from school or work, was Campbell Bain's universe. The doctor explained the situation at hand with Starlight as his second in command, standing adjacent to him. He had a list of names in front of him as to who was going first. "Campbell Bain?" The doctor called out. The boy eagerly shot his hand up whilst bunching up and down on his toes. "Ooh! That's me, sir, that's me!" A little scottish voice squeaked from the back of the line, the rest of the line turning to face him. The doctor was puzzled, but he knew how to handle the situation at hand. "Campbell Bain, please make your way up to the front of the line where I am." He yelled. The boy ran over ecstatically to the front, once he was there he stood on the spot and saluted. "Yes, Sir! At your service, Sir!"  He yelled. The doctor cringed, and he hated being saluted. "This is your stop. Feel free to go once you're ready." The doctor explained calmly to the boy. The boy became extremely worried by the doctor's command. " that means... but I'm not ready yet, sir! I'm the first one to go, I don't want to be the first one to go! Can't someone else go before me?" He asked, almost crying. "You will set a great example to others, Please go."
Aziraphale felt quite amused by Campbell's reaction to the doctors instruction. He understood what the boy was feeling, as he had no idea what was going on either. He looked over at Starla to see what was going on with her. He was curious to see if she was just as confused as Campbell was. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. After the doctor had finished talking to Campbell, he wondered who was supposed to go next. He thought that mabye himself or crowley should step up.
"Right, the rest of you lot, back into the TARDIS." Starla called out on behalf of the doctor as she went around to the back of the line and rounded them all up into the TARDIS as if they were sheep and she was the sheepdog. On her way back inside, she smiled at Azira and Crowley. Aziraphale smiled back at Starla, feeling relieved that the situation appeared to be under control now. He looked around the room, seeing where they all were now and what it took for them all to get here, thinking of all the crazy moments that led to this one. He was still amazed that all of them at some point were going to be able to go back to their universe and not get stuck in some time-loop or whatever. However, he wondered who was supposed to go next. He wondered if he should go and speak to the doctor or Starlight about this issue. As he stood up, his mind began spinning around in circles, wondering what was going to happen next. The doctor clashed two pots and pans together, making a loud, irritating noise that would get everyone's attention. "Right then, you lot, Ginger LittleJohn is the next to leave us, so please say your final goodbyes to him as we will be there in about an hour. Thanks, you can get back to gossiping or whatever now."
Aziraphale looked slightly confused again as he didn't understand a word the doctor was saying this time. He wasn’t quite sure why we had to go to everyone's universe in order and not just at random or why the doctor wouldn't be leaving sooner, but he knew that none of it made much sense as it was. He was slowly losing his grasp of the whole situation, but he decided to follow the doctor's instruction anyway, as he believed that there was a reason for everything. He was curious to see if Ginger LittleJohn would look similar to David Tennant he knew, so he decided to stand up and try and have a peak over the sea of
Davids'. After a while, the TARDIS soon landed in his universe, Starlight doing an excellent parking job this time. The doctor clashed the pots and pans together once more to get everyone's attention again. "Ginger LittleJohn? We're here. Please make your way out of the TARDIS safely. Have a good life!" The doctor commanded. Littlejohn soon stood up, waving goodbye to the friends he'd made. A girl by the name of Davina hated to see him go, sobbing into Arthur Eddington's arms while Peter Vincent laughed at her sorrow, next to a vicar named Harry Watling who looked extremely uncomfortable. Starlight soon got bored of the dramatics, so she decided to go over to Aziraphale and Crowley. "Children! How's it going?" She asked them in a silly voice. Aziraphale and Crowley laughed along with her, feeling quite pleased about the journey so far. "This has certainly been an adventure!" Aziraphale told her excitedly. "I'm not sure that I've ever been on a trip quite like this before, and I'm still not quite sure if all of what I've just seen has actually happened.. " Aziraphale said, looking confused as anything. He said in an astonished tone, still trying to wrap his head around everything that'd just happened. He looked at crowley with soke sort of anxiousness in his eyes. "What's next for us, then?" Crowley mumbled. "Don't worry, you'll be back in your universe soon enough, but it might take a demons and angels have 'bodily functions' ?"  She asked. Aziraphale laughed nervously as he heard what Starla had asked. "Yes, we do, in fact! We may not need food or water to survive. We still have to maintain ourselves when we're in our celestial forms." Aziraphale explained. He then turned to crowley to see what he thought of the whole situation. "This is all still a lot to take in.." Aziraphale said slightly nervously, hoping that they weren't going to be the last ones to leave. "Technically, you won't be the last ones to leave since once you both go, the doctor and I will be the last ones left, as long as you don't need the loo anytime soon you'll be fine!" She giggled nervously. Aziraphale sighed in relief as he heard what Starla was saying. As long as they were going to be able to get home at some point, then he didn't care what the doctor did with his time. He didn't need the toilet, but the one thing he needed more than anything was crowley in his arms. Instead, he seemed to be upset or embarrassed over something and was looking away from him, which made Azira upset. He turned back to crowley to see what he thought of Starlight's explanation. "This has most certainly been one of the most..adventurous days..we've ever had!" Aziraphale said to crowley, laughing nervously. Crowley seemed to be ignoring him, looking at a random group of people on the ship, completely lost in thought. "Well, I'll leave you both alone. Crowley, you alright there?" Starlight asked politely, genuinely concerned for his well-being. Crowley mumbled, "..Tired.." Starla could tell that he wanted to say more, so she was confused why he didn't. It was like he was fighting to talk, but something was grabbing a hold of his words at the back of his throat and pulling them down into his throat, making him choke on his own words. His glasses seemed to become wet from the inside, as if it was raining inside his glasses. Aziraphale smiled slightly at Starlight's concern for crowley. He hadn't seen either of them interact before, but he got the impression that they were both close friends. He was glad that she was looking out for Crowley and checking up on him. Crowley was always a bit of a tortured soul. He always had problems that he tried to hide from Aziraphale, even if he was willing to help. Aziraphale watched crowley plummet from the clouds that day. He knew what torture he must've suffered. When he fell, he cried out for Aziraphale. He cried out for help, but this time nobody could save him. not an angel, nor a demon could pull him from what felt like his untimely death. After his cries, Aziraphale watched the clouds cover his tumbling, gaping fuselage as he screeched and wailed for someone to help him. Aziraphale has no idea what happened after that because the angels pulled him aside and told him to get back to work, and Crowley won't admit to anyone, not even his best friend what'd happened that day. It broke Aziraphale's heart when he had to watch him "die" because deep down, he knew that Crowley was just a little bit of a good person. Azira stood up because his legs had started to go tingley from sitting for so long. "Azira, are you okay?" She asked. "I feel...dizzy.." the angel murmured. "Mabye, you got up too fast? I'm sure it'll pass." She told him. Starlight held the angel unweighted for a moment while whispering in his ear, "Tell Crowley how you feel! Now is a better time than ever!" She said in a low toned whisper. Aziraphale nodded, wobbling back over to crowley before plopping his plump little body down next to him. "Crowley.. can" He mumbled. Crowley looked at him for the first time in hours. Starlight went back over to the control panel, still watching them intently while the doctor flew the TARDIS. Aziraphale knew that Crowley hated to be seen as emotional or sad in any way, but he couldn't help but notice that he was feeling a bit overwhelmed. He hoped that confessing his true feelings to him would be a good enough distraction, hopefully not contributing to it.
Hours had passed, and most people had left the ship. Aziraphale still hadn't told Crowley yet. "Doctor, I'm going Iver, fly the ship." She ordered. Starlight sat near the couple in the corner where Harry Watling had previously been sitting.
"Crowley I- ... I'm struggling to figure out how to say" Aziraphale sighed, his cheeks turning redder by the second. "I'm just going to say it.." he mumbled, looking Crowley in the eyes, reaching for his glasses and pulling them off of his face. "And for goodness sake, take those silly things off! I want to actually look at you when I'm saying this.." crowleys eyes looked red and puffy as if he'd been recently crying, and crowley felt extremely insecure without his glasses.
"I...uhm..I have..alot..of feelings for you...and..uh...its difficult for me to explain..." He took a deep breath. Starlight watched them intently. "The um...the intent of my emotions..but..I...I really...REALLY.. like you..and I was wondering.. if you wanted to be my.. boyfriend?" Azira expressed. Crowley's face turned as red as his hair, his eyes widening. Aziraphale's anxiousness increased. Starlight let out a cough  and then looked at the doctor, signalling what she meant by waving her finger at the new couple after. The doctor didn't get what she was getting at, so she coughed again, her eyes widening and her dramatically pointing at the new edition to love. Aziraphale and crowley both looked over to the doctor, curious to see what all the commotion was about. "Sorry, there was" the doctor muttered. "Right.. Anyway.." Azira looked back at Crowley "Crowley..would you like to be my boyfriend?" Azira asked. "I'd really love you to be!" He said, staring directly into his eyes, hoping that he'd say yes. Aziraphale knew fully well that there was a chance he could say no, which would break his heart, but he could learn to manage over time. Starlight watched Crowley turn bright red. He seemed to be feeling a mix of emotions. Crowley took a deep breath, attempting to speak, but no sound was coming from his lips until Aziraphale inched forward, putting his hand on Crowley's face. "This should help clear things up." He whispered, smiling with the prettiest of pink cheeks. When Azira's lips met Crowley's, it was like touching metal after being on a trampoline, that sudden flick of electricity on their lips once they'd finally touched was electric. Starlight was squealing in the corner quietly, pointing at them both kissing while looking at the doctor with stars in her eyes.  The doctor bounced up and down excitedly, clapping his hands together with joy. The couple finally pulled apart from each other, staring lovingly into one another's eyes. "Marry me." We're the first words that popped out of Crowley's mouth, almost instantaneously. "What?!" Aziraphale gasped, laughing mirthfully at him.
Their faces were both bright red, and as they did, the air seemed to change. It seemed as if they were the only people left in the universe trapped in their own little world. Aziraphale began to feel dizzy, not being able to take his sights off of Crowley. The doctor and Starla's conversation in the background seemed like only a distant memory as Aziraphale and Crowley felt themselves being pulled together closer and closer by an unseable, unknowable force. Aziraphale and Crowley eventually turned towards the two, still holding eyes with each other. "Um.. could we have a moment?" Azira said quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment that was amongst them as he looked over to Crowley, who was still attempting to process what had just happened. He seemed to have understood, and both of them focused once more on  The look in Crowley's eyes was everything to Aziraphale, even though the look in Aziraphale's eyes was probably nothing to Crowley, or atleast he thought. His eyes said so much without even a whisper in his voice. His eyes seemingly did all the talking, and he adored that. "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, KISS!" The doctor yelled while throwing bits of popcorn at them as if they were just two characters on a screen. The pair soon looked over at Starla and The Doctor before bursting out laughing. "We will, We will!" Aziraphale yelled, giggling and flapping his hand about as he turned back to Crowley, all his attention centred around him. Crowley turned to Aziraphale and then slowly nodded and began to close the distance between them. He leaned in slowly, Aziraphale soon followed as the gap finally shut, their lips touching like it was the first time in millions of centuries, as they kissed upon the TARDIS while the children cheered for their newly kindled love for eachother, Aziraphale was a moth to Crowley's flame, not wanting to leave whilst hanging on endlessly to it's warm embrace. Aziraphale knew that Crowley was like the ocean: On the surface, he was still and quiet, rather content at times, but when Aziraphale got even a glimpse of what it was like under the surface and deeper into the ocean, he could soon tell how hard it was to swim. Crowley was everything to Aziraphale. He sincerely wanted to be his bridge over troubled waters. Crowley knew that Aziraphale was always going to be there for him no matter what. It was just hard for him to let his raw emotions show. Aziraphale knew this and was so proud of him for letting them show, which he told in his own special way that he loved him so much. Eventually, they both pulled back from the kiss, smiling at each other, as they looked towards Starlight and the doctor who were cheering madly, yelling, "JUST MARRIED!" Like madmen.
"There, we've kissed now!" Aziraphale yelled jokingly. "It's only polite to congratulate us now." Crowley added, rolling his eyes whilst smirking and holding Aziraphale's hands. "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE BOTH IDIOTS!" Star and The Doctor both cried out in unison, giggling like schoolgirls. Starlight sounded a little drunk but giddy from the moment. The doctor was cheering madly along with Starlight as they bumped fists while going to sit with the newly announced space-couple. Crowley and Aziraphale both laughed as they heard Starla's drunken "congrats," which made them laugh even harder."I guess that means we're an item now!" Crowley giggled as Aziraphale leaned over, giving him a soft, quick kiss on the cheek with his pale, angelic lips. "We shouldn't get so ahead of ourselves, dear!" Aziraphale said, laughing mirthfully, his grin spreading from ear to ear. Aziraphale blushed slightly, then turned to Starlight and The Doctor to see their reaction to their new love. Starlight was her usual jolly self, screaming and flapping her hands about like some demented maniac from the excitement of their new relationship. She slammed herself into crowley, hugging his side while bobbing up and down from excitement, Crowley laughed along with her like a drunken idiot. Aziraphale caught Starlight and Crowley out of the corner of his eye, smiling to himself as he saw the pair enjoying themselves on such a jolly occasion. He noticed how she had practically flown across the room just to get to them, as the four of them sat and giggled over the smallest of joys in life, feeling overjoyed by what was going on around them. Aziraphale put his arm around Crowley lovingly, while the four of them laughed drunkenly as the ship started to decline rapidly into a black hole. Aziraphale felt incredibly blessed to be having this moment with all of them, he thought to himself, "If this is a dream, then i shall wish that this is a slumber that I never awaken myself from, for I wish for this blissful moment to last for all of time." Before they knew it, the TARDIS was rapidly declining into a black hole due to nobody being at the control panels, starligjt immediately pushed herself off of crowley, accelerating forward whilst stumbling around on the floor, attempting to sprint to the control panel. Her and the doctor eventually threw themselves onto the control panels, attempting to get it back up to speed. The ship went into lockdown, and everyone began to panic, ruining what was or at least seemed to be an extremely blissful and beautiful moment between the group. The couple sat up in shock and terror, looking around the ship in confusion. Crowley was the first of the two to respond to the situation, stumbling about the ship in an attempt to get to the ones in control. Aziraphale soon stood up, falling about the ship in an attempt to rescue his boyfriend from his eternal doom. "What's going on? What's happening to the ship?!" Aziraphale questioned, the fear in his eyes growing stronger by the second. "I don't know what, but something is seriously wrong with the TARDIS. Not to scare you or anything, but I have high hopes that neither of us will be seeing our homes again." Starlight explained fearfully whilst tugging at every nearby control that she could in an attempt to save the ship. "Do something, Starlight!" Aziraphale yelled, nearly crying. "We-..we need you!" He cried, holding onto Crowley's hand. Aziraphale became suddenly rather dizzy. He fell into Crowley's arms, the lean man barely being able to hold them both upright. "Crowley... I'm not feeling well.. could we please sit down..?" the angel murmured. The TARDIS went pitch black. "Crowley..?"
"Wake up." The doctor said firmly. "W-what?.."
"Wake up." The doctor exclaimed until everything went black. He couldn't see nor feel anyone or anything anymore, but he could still hear their voices chanting "wake up" over and over until the angel thought he was going completely mad. Their voices were completely monotone. The world began glitching and corrupting until everything around him was pure darkness. Aziraphale gasped as he suddenly became very panicked as he heard the world around him slowly slip out of reach. "Crowley.." he tried to reach over and hold his hand, hoping that the Doctor's words were just in his imagination. "No.. noI couldn't possibly be dreaming.. could I?" He said, sounding worried as he continued to look around the empty, void-like ship in a hysterical state. The doctor, Starlight, and Crowley began to glitch out vividly, as if it were a jumpscare in a horror movie. "Wake up." They chanted, Aziraphale couldn't see anything or anyone anymore, not even himself. He was nowhere. Anything rapidly became nothing. Everything was dark and quiet, silent, almost. "Wake up." He could hear the voices repetitively chant over and over again like a never-ending song, driving the angel to near insanity. He suddenly felt the TARDIS floor slip from under his feet as he plummeted through a dark, lifeless sky. He could see into the bottom of the TARDIS, almost as if there was a spotlight shining on one specific spot, where the figure of a certain demon he knew glitched on and off. He screamed for help. His wings wouldn't let him take flight, painfully burning as he fell. He cried out for Crowley, and he screamed for Starlight. He longed for The Doctor to save him, but it was then that he knew that nothing nor no one could save the man now. Aziraphale clenched his eyes shut, praying and wishing for a way out of it all. He felt himself come to a sudden stop, so he opened his eyes once more. He recognised where he was. It was right at the beginning, where Crowley and him first met. Strangely enough, he was standing next to him. He wondered if this is what happened after death, if you just got sent back to where you started, or if you mabye didn't do life in a way that someone wanted you to then mabye you would have to restart like if you lost in a video game. His mind was racing, and angel crowley was staring out quite contently into the stars. "You know, I think I recognise you." Aziraphale told him. Crowley's snake eyes emerged from his dark, chocolate coloured eyes as he stared right at Aziraphale, hissing at him viciously. "WAKE UP." He screeched as Aziraphale found himself falling through the floor once more. Due to it all happening so fast, he didn't have a reaction to falling this time. It was just like the day that Crowley got cast down to hell. There was an unbearable burning and stinging in every single fibre of his body, his wings turning to Tar and Ash as he fell. He couldn't help but scream and cry out for his true love. "CROWLEY!.. PLEASE!.." Aziraphale cried. Crowley just stood there, staring intently with a monotone look on his face, not even attempting to save him. He stared down at Aziraphale with a numb, robotic expression that shattered Aziraphale's soul. His breathing quickened as he felt himself falling to his death. His eyes widened in terror, and his scream was cut short by the wind. He felt everything around him burn up, as his wings turned to Tar, as he couldn't help but cry. He was in immense pain. He felt that if he called for help that nobody would come rushing to save him. He wasn't sure as to how long he had been falling for, but it felt like an eternity. He couldn't remember anything from the past twenty-four hours, which made the situation even more terrifying. Before the man knew it, he had landed harshly into a boiling bloodbath of Tar and Soot, strangling every single little pain that he had ever had in his body. Aziraphale felt the blood and Tar pour over his sooty, bloodied body as he continued to scream in agony, his voice becoming raspier from the force of his screams. It felt like everything was burning, from his wings to his flesh. He kept screaming for help, but the blood and soot made it hard for him to breathe, as his voice became raspier with each scream he let out. His wings had turned to Ash, as if he was burning from the inside out. The pain continued to build, as he felt his limbs become weaker by the second. He didn't know how much longer he could take of this. He just knew that he was dying. Once every fibre in his body had felt like it had been destroyed, he collapsed into the bloodbath as he let all of it consume him. He was in pain, so much pain and torment that he had just stopped caring about everything, as he laid himself face-down in the boiling soup of Tar and Ash, fully prepared to die. His voice broke from the screaming, he mumbled, "..take..take me home.."  as he felt his body fail him. His eyes sealed themselves shut as his screams finally ceased, letting the bloodied Tar and Ash consume his body and soul. His thoughts went out to the man he loved more than anything else in the entire galaxies, Crowley. He desperately wanted to see him. Aziraphale wasn't sure of what was next for him, but he wanted to go home where Crowley could hold him in his boney arms as he cried. His voice grew weaker, only whispering a few words as he let death consume his  soul. "..Crowley..please.." he whispered. "..please..take me home.."
The world fell dark and silent once more, as death consumed what was left of Aziraphale. It was like this for a good few, long hours until he was being violently shaken by presumably a man with large, boney fingers. There was a voice yelling at him, but he couldn't make out any words from it. His body ached. It was all he could think about. He was in too much pain to try and make out who was howling at him so brutally. He let out a moan as whatever was shaking him awoke him from his temporary state of limbo. His head was pounding. He struggled to open his eyes, trying to ignore how incredibly tired he was. He wasn't ready to leave what he hoped was a dream, but he could hear a voice of what sounded like Crowley.
"H-..hello.." Aziraphale muttered sleepily at a blurry figure he thought might be Crowley.
"..W-..what's all the fuss?.." he tried to ask him, his voice barely audiable. "Oh my god.. you're alright!" Crowley cried, leaping onto Aziraphale's limp body. "You scared me.." the Demon murmured, not wanting to let go of his boyfriend. Aziraphale felt puzzled, but he loved having crowley lay with him on the sofa. "You're head hit the floor..and then you just..wouldn't respond.." A tear shed from Crowley's eye, placing itself on to Aziraphale's ice-cold shoulder. Aziraphale was so disorientated from the vivid nightmares he'd dreamt of that he could barely say a word, his head spinning from the events of the night. He felt light-headed  as he tried to sit up in order to escape the dizziness, which was tricky with Crowley on him. It didn't help as he continued to feel as though his head was spinning in shapes and circles. It took him a few moments to notice that it was Crowley who was rambling on and on about what had happened to him, whilst Aziraphale was still processing what had occurred. "C-Crowley?...wh-..what on going on?.." he said quietly, his voice still incredibly croaky and quiet. His expression was as blank as the memories he had lost from the past twenty-four hours slowly started crawling, creeping back into his mind. Crowley squeezed him tight whilst sobbing, not ever wanting to let go. "Why did you have to try and fucking die on me?!..huh? You fucking scared me, Angel!.." Crowley whinged and mithered. Aziraphale didn't have the slightest clue on how to react, barely being able to stay awake. His senses were numb from everything he'd experienced.  "Please, Aziraphale, for God's sake talk to me!" Crowley screamed and grouched.  Aziraphale's eyes widened as he struggled to process what the man was yelling at him. He could feel the man hugging him tightly whilst crying, which only caused him to do the same. Crowley was being very emotional, and seeing him like that only made Aziraphale more upset. "I..I don't know.." he squeaked out in a small voice, buring his face into Crowley's shoulders. His voice sounded even quieter than usual, as if he had lost the ability to make it loud enough for the man on top of him to hear. "Aziraphale, do you remember what happened to you?" Starla pondered. Aziraphale's froze at the sound of "Starla". At the back of his mind, he vaguely remembered having a dream about her, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was the reason he had all of those dreams. "No.." he whispered, sounding worried as he kept his face buried in Crowley's shoulder. His mind was racing with questions, and he wanted nothing more then to forget that any of this had ever happened. "I still can't believe I had to erase your memories of me in order to save you all, but I promise that I Will never forget all of those lovely times we've had together." Starlight explained, sounding upset but still trying to stay happy for them. Aziraphale felt himself tense up as he heard Starla speaking again. She sounded incredibly familiar as the more she spoke, the more questions Aziraphale had in his mind. It was beginning to hurt his head. He couldn't think clearly, his head was spinning. He knew he had some form of memory loss, which scared him immensely. He managed to slightly lift his head, enough to look at Starla.  "I wish I could remember who you were, but I don't.. I'm sure that you are a lovely person, though.." Aziraphale mumbled with a faint smile on his face and a tear or two in his eye. Starlight tried to hide her pain by grinning the widest grin she had ever put on, but her eyes gave her away, flooding her face with the leaking water that was coming from her eyes as she began to sob, hugging the doctor tightly as he tried to comfort her with a hug. "Come on, let's get you out of here." The doctor told Starlight. It was like she didn't want to leave, or at least she couldn't bring herself to. After a long while of standing around, the doctor practically dragged Starlight out of the bookshop to her dismay. "WAIT!" She cried out. The doctor stood still, rolling his eyes at her dramatics. "Do you remeber who I am, Aziraphale..?"
Aziraphale looked at Crowley to answer the question, feeling too overwhelmed by the amount of information to come to him at once. Hid head was spinning which made him extremely dizzy. He couldn't remember how they had met, but he did want to te Starla that he did remeber..he just..
"Y-yes.." he said quietly, sounding equivocating. He looked at Starla again, then back at Crowley. "I...I'm trying so hard to remember..but it feels like something is missing.." Aziraphale said slightly.
"That's because there is something missing, we erased your memory for your own benefit. Now, we need to be heading off. Congratulations, Aziraphale and Crowley." The doctor dictated as he dramatically dragged her by jet wrist out of the shop and back into the TARDIS as she screamed and cried. Aziraphale took a moment to process that they had both left, looking arrounf at the thoughts of Starlight being a figment of his imagination faded away, like fog clearing making way for a sunny day. Slowly his head stopped spinning as his memory started flooding back to him. He gave a small "Hmm.." As he tried to remember where he was, and then it hit him like a flash of lightning, he saw all of his books on the shelves around him as it all came rushing back. "I'm.. I'm in my bookshop! I'm here with you, Anthony J. Crowley, in my bookshop with Starlight and The Doctor!" He gasped excitedly, but the excitement didn't last for long, as his memory started to come back to him. "Wait, Starlight! Doctor!" He cried out, leaping from the sofa and rushing out of the bookshop doors. "Wait!-..." he yelled, soon realising that the TARDIS had already gone. "But..but that's not fair.. I.. I didn't get to say goodbye.." Crowley came up behind him, giving him a warm, comforting hug from behind. "Well, is just like really hurts sometimes for no reason."
"But I know you, Aziraphale. You try, you don't give up. Like when I died, you and I worked things out, didn't we? We made a plan to get me back in this form, and it worked. That's how clever you are!" He praised, kissing Aziraphale's neck.
"Crowley darling.. how do you know all of this? I don't remember telling you.." Aziraphale questioned, becoming worried again. "Aziraphale, really, you still haven't figured out why Starlight reminded you so much of me?" He asked sarcastically. "Think about it, if we are so similar yet we haven't actually properly met before, have you ever thought why that might be, hm?" He asked the angel.
"..similar personalities?.."
"NO, ANGEL! HOW CAN SUCH A GORGEOUSLY SMART ANGEL LIKE YOU BE SO STUPID?!" Aziraphale was taken aback by Crowley's harsh words. "You forget yourself, Crowley." The angel mumbled. "No, but Starlight never did, did she?"
"Crowley, she was a human!"
"Exactly! Did you know that when or if two celestial beings have a child, then in most cases, the celestial genes will cancel each other out, and the child will become mortal?" Crowley explained, becoming more hyper by the second.
"..what are you trying to imply?.." he pondered.
"What I'm saying is, she is 100%, our daughter! Starlight! Star-Light, who created the stars? God! But who made like, half of them explode into the human race and planets? ME! I became a demon. You stayed an angel. Humans have demonic and angelic qualities to them, which make them rather balanced out at times! I was obsessed with the stars. She came from one!"
"And your point is, Crowley?"
"BUT SHE ISN'T, CROWLEY!" Aziraphale yelled, stepping away from him. "SHE CAN'T BE, SHE'S FROM ANOTHER WORLD WHERE WE ONLY EXIST ON A SCREEN, CROWLEY. AS MUCH AS I WOULD LOVE TO BELIEVE THIS ONE I JUST CAN'T, IM SORRY." Aziraphale yelled, running off into the bookshop and pushing him aside, going into one of the spare bedrooms at the back of the shop. Crowley felt awful but determined that she was their daughter, and he wanted to prove it.
"Starlight, darling, I'm coming to find you. I promise."

Starlight and the Time VortexWhere stories live. Discover now