Katrina Mathews

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So in this story/ chapter it will be a demigod meeting other demigods(cough cough Percabeth cough cough)


So apparently I am a demigod and my friend Jacob was a satyr.We were currently being chased by three hell hounds. We were nearing  a hill with a tall tree on it, and Jacob yelled at me to get to the other side of the tree.He took out some sort of reed pipes and played a quick melody and two of the hell hounds turned into a flower, while the third disintegrated into yellow dust because someone shot it with an arrow. Jacob picked up the arrow off the ground. Together we walked to the other side of the pine tree. A blonde guy jumped out of the tree we just passed. He landed on his feet."Hey Jacob and friend." He said." Hey Will, thanks for shooting the third hell hound." He handed Will back his arrow."No Problem. that is why we have a guard duty in the tree." As ?" I asked. "you just got claimed by Athena. Goddess of Wisdom, Battle strategy, Useful crafts and some other stuff." Will explained."Are you a demigod too?""Yeah, everyone at camp most likely is. There are satyrs and nymphs, a god and a centaur who are not, but everyone else is. I am a son of Apollo by the way.""Okay.Cool" He called over another blonde boy." Hey Malcolm, you have a new camper, I think you should give her a tour." 

"Okay""Katrina, I have to go report to Grover, I'll see you later.Bye.""Bye Jacob."I waved as he left." I also have to go. I have a date that I need to go get ready for.""Okay, have fun.""Thanks I will.""Malcolm, Do you know where Nico is?"Will asked."No.Sorry. I would check the arena or his cabin.""Thanks." Will sprinted off down the hill towards  buildings that looked like cabins."I should probably start the tour now. I'll Show you the cabins first." We walked towards the direction of the buildings that Will had sprinted to. He led me to the cabins, which what looked like in the center of the camp. There were about 20-30 cabins in this area. We headed towards the older looking cabins. We entered a cabin with a bronze number six over the door. Inside was  very neat. There were book shelves and smart boards along the walls. There were bunks in  the middle. they were placed in neat rows. There were also a bunch of blonde people hanging out around the room. Except for one bunk. There were two kids laying on one of the bunks in the corner.

The girl that was laying there, was clearly an Athena girl. The boy I am not so sure who his parent was.The two were wearing headphones and laughing.It looked like they were watching videos on a laptop." Annabeth will be happy to have a new sister. Recently all of the new Athena kids have been boys and they don't seem to understand that you can't date your sister." Malcolm's voice shocked me out of my thoughts and back into reality. He glared at some of the boys who were laying down reading or something. They all looked away sheepishly."In our defense Malcolm, She is hot. I mean really pretty." Said a boy laying about two feet away from us. I am guessing that the girl on the bed in the corner is Annabeth. We made our way over to her. Malcolm cautiously reached out and tapped her shoulder.  With one hand, she reached out and paused the video and took off her head phones. With her other hand, She caught Malcolm's hand after he barely tapped her. All with out looking up. Finally She looked up."Oh, It's you. I'm sorry for almost being about to judo flip you." Malcolm chuckled." It's okay. I just wanted you to meet Katrina.Katrina this is Annabeth, our head counselor. Annabeth, this is Katrina." Malcolm introduced us. Annabeth stuck out her hand for me to shake. I did." It's nice to meet you Katrina."" You too."" you can just pick any bunk you want as long as it is not already taken.""Oh Okay." I walked over to the bunk next to Annabeth's."Is this one taken?" I asked. "No, I don't think so."" Oh, I forgot to introduce you to someone. this idiot is my boyfriend Percy.""Hey i am not an idiot.""nice to meet you Katrina.""You too. who's your parent?""Poseidon." Aren't Poseidon and Athena supposed to hate each other. So Shouldn't their kids hate each other too? If so why are their kids dating? Annabeth seemed to be able to read my mind."It's a long story. Did you get a tour and a weapon yet? And did you see the orientation film.""No, no and no.""Okay, well you need to see the film. get a tour and a weapon. Percy wanna go do all that for me?""Not really. But I will Wisegirl.""thanks Seaweed Brain."" Come on Katrina. Let's go give you the works." He rolled over and apparently forgot he was on the edge. He fell onto the floor. Annabeth was suppressing giggles."I did that on purpose. Stop laughing." At that point Annabeth lost it. She was laughing so hard now that her face started to turn red. Percy joined in with the laughter that was now filling the cabin coming from every person in the cabin. He stood up. "bye Girl. Love you.""Love you too Seaweed Brain." They high- fived when they passed each other. Weird thing for a couple to do. But then I noticed a plaque over the door.' New official rule in cabin six; Children Of Poseidon and Athena are not allowed to show any form of PDA. While in the Athena Cabin. That includes Hugs and Kisses.' After reading that, I followed Percy out the door.I guess that explains the high five. He led me to the big house. We walked into a room with chairs and a T.V.. "Please have a seat."I sat down in a chair and watched him walk over to the bookshelf next to the T.V.. I have to admit that he was extremely handsome. He was also really nice. I can see why Annabeth fell for him. He loaded the video then sat down next to me. Together we watched the video.

After the video...................................

"So, any questions Kat ?Can I call you that?"" No and if you must as long as I can call you Fish Face." " Fair enough. Should we start the tour Mrs. Kat?"" We Shall Mr. Fish Face." we both laughed. He showed me the cabins, the arena, the archery range,the beach,the pegasi stables,Bunker Nine, the infirmary, everything." Damn this place is cool.""It's Dam and yeah it is. Apart from the beach and ocean it is my favorite place in the world. Now all that is left is to get you your weapon.""Why did you correct Damn to Dam?"" If you ever visit the Hoover Dam, they are like Welcome to the Hoover Dam. I will be your dam tour guide. My dam name is Trevor.Your dam elevators are on the dam right. and the dam snack bar  is on the dam last floor.Etc. So basically an inside joke."Oh, well about that weapon.....................""Don't worry about it. I got you covered."He held the door open to a shed for me. "After you Lady Kat." He has a good sense of humor. I walked in. I was amazed by what I saw.There were swords, knives,spears,bows, guns. You name it, it is there. " So, which one do you think will be more your type?" He asked."Um......maybe a knife?""Why do Children of Athena always go for a knife?" He asked himself. He grabbed a box of knives from a shelf." find one you like, then well see if it works for you."I dug through the box. I found one that was really cool. It was celestial bronze and ten inches long. I picked it up. Then like a little kid in a candy shop, I yelled at Percy, "this one!!!!" He smiled, and took the knife from me. He then grabbed my hand with his free hand. Weird. Where is this going?"Okay,it  seems like it would fit perfectly in your hand., come outside."We went out the back door of the shed. I just now noticed that it was covered in targets, that were supposed to be for archery."Here, throw the knife at one of the targets."He handed the knife back to me. I had no clue how to properly throw a knife and I think that Percy knew that. Because he was smirking. Percy Stepped back from the targets.I aimed and threw the knife as straight as I possibly could. it landed right outside the bull's eye. Percy walked up to the target and pulled it out."Do you like it and Do you want it?""Yes and yes." I screamed. He went back into the shed. A few seconds later, he came back out with a shealth. I strapped my new knife to my leg. we made our way back towards the cabins.  Eventually we made it back to cabin six. Percy knocked on the door. Malcolm Opened it. I walked in while Percy remained in the door way. "I am done touring and she has achieved a weapon." He said in a slight monotone.  Annabeth looked up from the smart board she was using and smiled. "So Wise girl, wanna go to the beach?" He asked still from the doorway. Annabeth quickly logged off of what she was doing, ran to the door and jumped on Percy's back. They DISAPPEARED.(A/N: It is water traveling. It is like apparating but with water.) I looked at Malcolm for an explanation, but all I got was "Percy has cool powers."That was the day I met Percabeth and the day that I found out I was a demigod.


I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Quick author's note. I will not be updating this because I am going on vacation. Nor will I be using Wattpad. I will however continue to write while I am in the car. For this story, I write out all chapters on several pieces of notebook paper. Which I have conveniently only written in a one that I labeled as People meet Percabeth written chapters.This short hiatus will start June 26 and will not end until July 6th or sometime after that


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