Joseph Clarke

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So this is Jiper/ Jasper. I haven't done one of these yet, so if it sucks, I'm sorry

Joseph pov

So there is this super hot girl at my new school. Her name is Piper McLean. She has choppy uneven light brown hair. She usually braids it with a feather. Piper has kaleidoscopic eyes that change from blue to green to purple to brown to gray to hazel then back to blue. Then it would start all over again.  I couldn't help but wonder what color her eyes really were because the kaleidoscopic eyes were totally contacts.
When we started dating and cuddling(you know what I mean), she would have to take them out.

Anyway enough about her . Now you hear about the one and only Joseph Clarke.

I am about 5' 11" with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that make girls melt. I have muscles and a clearly defined six pack.( They are totally not steroids..................) With my totally awesome(Lame) good looks and obvious charm, I can get any girl( or guy I'm not picky) I want. Except for Piper McLean. You see when I was describing Piper, I may have lied a little. Dating really isn't my thing. At my last school, I "Slept " with at least 3/4 of the female population. And in this school, Piper McLean was my first target.

Anyway, I'm late for my next class. I don't even know what class it is. All I know is that Piper is not in this class with me, which means that I can't sit and stare at her fine ass through her chair. But I can devise new plans to convince her to sleep with me. All of my previous plans had failed. She turned me down with the lame I have a boyfriend excuse.

Time Skip to the end of class because nothing interesting happened

Ugg that class is such waste of time. I mean whose gonna use the Trojan War ( It was the first thing I thought of. Don't judge me) in their everyday lives? I guess nerds who become historians might. But I am not  a nerd nor do I plan on ever being a historian. So basically the school is filling my head with useless knowledge.

On the bright side there is only one more class until school was over. Have I mentioned that  this is the only Class I have with Piper? No? Well now I have.

I walked into the classroom and took my usual seat in the back. One seat directly behind Piper. The perfect spot to look at Piper's body.

Throughout the useless lesson,I caught some girls staring at me. When the teacher wasn't looking, I passed them my number. They giggled . I guess they're my next targets.

Finally the lame ass class ended.I rushed to put my stuff in my locker to go try again on Piper. Her locker was right next to mine.( I totally did not bribe the principal to get me that locker. That's crazy)But Piper wasn't at her locker . I finished and went out side where I saw the entire female population of the school crowded around something. I pushed through the crowd until I reached the center where all the action was.  What I saw was shocking.

Piper McLean was making out with a blonde guy.Let me describe. He was around the same height as me, maybe a little taller. He had close cropped short blonde hair. Muscles that I could see were real. I couldn't tell what color his eyes were because they were closed. If I was a girl or gay , I would totally date him.

They broke apart and I learned that his eyes were a bright blue. Piper said something in his ear then she ran off somewhere inside after he nodded.

I used this opportunity to beat this guy up.

"Who are you and what do you think your doing with my girlfriend." I yelled at him.

"Jason Grace and last I checked  she was my girlfriend not yours." He replied.

I could totally beat this guy up. I threw a punch.He blocked it and punched me back. I didn't put my hands up in time and his punch broke my nose. Then he grabbed my out stretched arm and flipped me. I cracked my skull on the concrete. I saw Piper come back and she and Jason left. I went to the hospital so that they could fix my skull and nose.

When I came back to school, I was the most hated guy. How do I leave  the school as the most popular guy and come back with the nerds higher up on the social status than me?

Stupid Jason Grace for ruining my reputation. I couldn't even get the girls I gave my number to, to call me


good or bad? Also you were supposed to ask for a Kevin Martinez part 2.

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