Chapter 12

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Eul's POV:

I have no idea what P'Boss and Wa discussed. Both of them refuse to talk about it, and while I honestly want to be pissed about it, I can't be, because both of them are important to me and if they have reached a truce of sorts, then who am I to question that? I know Wa was worried about my burgeoning feelings for P'Boss, and I could sense her disquiet. What I had not expected was the fact that P'Boss would actually turn up at the door, wanting to talk to her. It was almost as if he had sensed my growing worry. Now I look at my friends. All of us are excited. We don't know what is the plan, only that we have to arrive in Bali. On the flight, we had hashed out various scenarios related to what was going to happen. But nothing seemed to be making sense. So we have now finally given up and decided to trust Eva and the Phis. Everything has been weird so far, including the fact that they insisted on leaving first. By the time we left home for the airport, they had already arrived in Bali.

I am super excited, to say in the least. Anticipation builds in my chest. Am I going to get my very first kiss very soon? I am filled with a weirdly nervous energy that seems to rub off on the others. "What's up Nong?" Peat asks, stroking my head. While all of us are the same age, if we consider the months, I am almost the last. I was the last until Eva came along anyways. So, I am used to this form of address. I grin. "Nothing," I say fidgeting. "Eul....," Prem's voice holds a clear warning. "What? It's nothing!" I am racking my brains to get an idea to change the topic. "Eul, be very smart, you understand me? Once you take that step, there will be no going back. So, you have to be very, very sure that this is what you want," Syn says. I look at him, puzzled, realising that everyone is doing the same. "What do you mean Syn?" Petra asks. "I am just telling Eul to be careful about taking things to the next level with P'Boss. He has a dominant personality, and this is a first for Eul. So, I hope he takes all things into consideration," he says. I am blushing furiously by then, and I turn away, trying to sink down in my seat.

The others burst out into laughter. "Are you seriously telling Eul the basics of sex?" Peat asks, howling. I am beyond embarrassed. If you have friends like these, I swear you don't need enemies, I think, wanting the earth to open up so that I can disappear. "So? Do you plan to lose your ass tonight?" Prem asks. I glare at him and shake my head. I am convinced that I have terrible taste in friends. "Nothing of the sort," I say, hating how squeaky my voice sounds. Although P'Boss and I have never discussed it, his request to let me kiss him whenever I am ready, has not been forgotten. It is not that I don't want to. Definitely not. In fact, I desperately want to. I want him to be my first kiss. My first encounter. My first everything. But there is a small part of me that is still worried about the repercussions of the step that I am taking. It's not that I don't trust P'Boss. It's just that, the idea of all this reaching my mother scares me a lot.

Wa takes hold of my hand. "Eul, just go with the flow, okay? Don't force yourself, and don't let anyone else do that as well. Set your boundaries clearly," she says. I nod. She is right, and I am grateful. I know that P'Boss will never take advantage of me, or the situation, and maybe that's the reason I am so willing to put myself in his hands. In more ways than one. I am jolted out of my wayward thoughts when our descent is announced. I am feeling thrilled and antsy at the same time and I can't wait to see my man! Then I blush inwardly! When did he become my man? I am just projecting too much. High time I take things one day at a time!

When we get to the exit gates, I see Eva, her brothers, and their friends, all waiting to greet us. We wai to the elders and hug Eva. There is a smirk on P'Boss's face that I find so endearing that I want to rush into his arms and just kiss the bejesus out of him. 'Control Eul!' I grin inside, showing as stoic an expression as I can. But I am pretty sure P'Boss can see right through me. "We specifically chose this resort because it has a rooftop helipad," P'Nuer says. "Why do we need a helipad?" Syn asks doubtfully. "You will find out soon enough," P'Cho says, as they usher us all into the beautiful place. "Don't unpack. Let the others know as well," P'Boss leans into me and whispers in my ear. I nod.

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