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Arthur was the first person to match Lyn one to one, and as the duel progressed, he might be the first person to beat her.
They were playing to the first of three touches, so far both of them had gotten one.
Rue was listening carefully, imagining where their feet were, how they were balancing themselves, how they were swinging their weapons about, jabbing, swiping, blocking. Swapping stances and adjusting tactics.
But it was impossible.
The mess of footsteps, grunts and cracks were like a jungle of sounds. He could tell when the fight heated up, when one was on the offensive, but that was it.
The others here will learn to master their Ki. You, however, do not need to do so. You already have an advantage, you must simply use it.
Master Ned's words, maybe he was right, maybe it'd be worth a shot.
Rue reached out gently, touching the pool of power that the prince had given him. It felt otherworldly, like reaching into bag which you didn't know the contents of.
He heard the fight grow more intense, a wave of blows rang out into the air, grunts and sharp breaths in between strikes.
"That's two to Billron" Master Ned announced, he could hear them panting after the exchange.
"Ready. Begin"
The staffs connected, and Rue entered the jungle once again. This time he reached out, like he was groping the air with invisible hands. Awareness and lucidity immediately hit him, he could feel the students around him, the two fighters, the rough ground, the school walls, the infinite sky above.
He felt sick.
His arm and back was on fire, it felt like thousands of needles were stabbing him.
The match continued, grew intense, then "That's two to Holly, next touch wins the match." Rue felt the two go back to their marks, "Ready. Begin." They pounced at each other, and Rue could sense the fight clearly now. Lyn opened with a quick jab to the face, holding her staff like a longsword. Arthur slapped it aside, holding his with each hand one third away from the tips.
Arthur counter attacked, thrusting forwards. Lyn stepped back, adjusted her grip and pushed.
They danced around each other, attacking, defending, counterattacking, and dodging. And he saw it all in clarity.
Then Arthur won. Lyn delivered three quick taps, each one slapped away by Arthur, then he pushed his advantage, and sent a quick strike towards her chin.
It connected, and Lyn grunted in pain, dropping her weapon.
"Arthur win's" Master Ned announced.

Rue sat in their usual spot, but Lyn didn't show. After the match, she left. He couldn't tell if it was because she was sour after the loss, or just needed some rest. Either way, he was alone.
Until Yalvin made himself know, "Hey! You free?" he asked, running up to the bench and sitting next to Rue. "Uh, what?" Rue asked, fumbling with his words. "Are you free? You know, to chat? Since you're usually with Lyn and she's off somewhere" Rue was puzzled for a moment, he worked the words in his head and managed to squeeze out a reply, "I'm free, I suppose"
"Great!" Yalvin said.
Rue felt his skin prickle, he didn't want to be here anymore. Another disadvantage of being blind is you never knew how people were looking at you. Rue imagined all the odd looks Yalvin could be giving him, maybe he was staring at him, maybe he was sneering or giving a mean scowl.
Rue almost felt his gaze drill into his side. "Something wrong?" Yalvin asked, "hm? What? No." Rue said, "You're as stiff as a board mate, relax, I won't bite your fingers off" Rue realised how he was sitting, he forced himself to relax, but it didn't do much. "Hey, I'm curious, if you're blind then what's with the blindfold?" Rue instinctively moved a hand to the piece of white cloth, "people, don't like to see. I mean, I don't like people seeing. My eyes, that is. They, er, usually freak out, a little."
"Can is see 'em?" Rue turned his head, feeling his face grow hot, "Ah it's fine, it's fine. If you don't want to show me, that's all fine. I can understand." Rue felt a small bit of relief, at least he wouldn't rip it off. Hopefully.
Just then, he thought of something. Lyn was nice. Super nice, nicer than he would have imagined. But why, why did he imagine her like that? Why did he imagine Yalvin like that?
Part of him said that it was a prank, a joke, a well done, elaborate string of ironies and lies to make him look like an idiot. But they'd never done that before, no one did. He could hear them make fun of him, small little comments when they were by themselves, when they thought he couldn't hear them.
And now that he was thinking about it, Yalvin was being nice too. Coming here, talking, just because he saw him sitting alone.
He felt a boost then, a sudden surge of determination, he wanted to know, he needed to know how much of this was in his head. "Um, Yalvin"
"Do you all. The students, I mean. Well, hate me?"
Yalvin stared back, or, well, Rue felt him stare back. "Huh?" he said, dumbfounded. Rue didn't reply at first, equally dumbfounded by the reply. "Do you all-"
"No, no, I heard you. Just seems like an odd question. And no. No one hates you Ruth, I don't know where you managed to think that up," he said, amused. "Really?"
"Yes really. Damn who hurt you bud?"
"Ah, no one I just... always figured..." words felt like a thick paste in his mouth, and he struggled to get them out, "...that, well that no one liked me, since I'm. well, since Master Ned's soft on me"
"That's it?"
"That's the only reason you think like that?" Rue couldn't find a reply, was it the only reason? No, no of course not, they others didn't like him because he was a deadbeat who barely put any effort in. but still almost beat first in the class with his eyes closed, part of him thought.
He saw Yalvin in a different light then, how could this man resent anyone?
He felt his emotions begin to swell, goddamn he really was an idiot, had it been like this the entire time?
He almost began to laugh but held it back. "Um. You ok there, mate?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I just," Rue took a breath, containing himself, "I always thought others resented me. Since Master Ned would have kicked out anyone as incompetent as me a while ago"
"Hey now, you're not incompetent. You're just disadvantaged, there's a difference."
"I suppose."
"And you know what one does when disadvantaged?" Rue shrugged, "practice until they're so damned good that it doesn't matter! I bet, with enough time, you'd become class top. Easily."
Rue couldn't really find something to say against that, top of the class? What a dream. If only it were possible.
He could never do that, no. Master Ned already said that he only needed to use magic.
I'm not really disadvantaged, I just refuse to use magic.
The thought made him feel guilty, like he was hiding something from Yalvin. "Why don't we go right now, and I can give you some pointers. Trust me, I help out everyone! Not a person in this class that I haven't given pointers to, even Lyn and Arthur have been victim to my wisdom. So come along young Ruth! I shall teach you!"

After six rounds, Rue began to tire, his arms ached, his legs felt numb, and he was sweating. "Don't you think, we should go, for a break?" he said, in-between gasps, "so my first tip is to go get some exercise, your stamina sucks, I could go for ten more rounds!" Yalvin said energetically, which only made Rue more tired. "Uhuh" Rue mumbled, leaning on his staff, trying to knock the fatigue out of himself. "And as for everything else, your pretty damned amazing" that was a lie. Yalvin had won every match, Rue hadn't let him win them easily, but a win is a win.
"Uhuh" he repeated, "your form was excellent, your swings and thrusts were great, and you almost got me at least once each round."
Too bad I'm fucking blind, he thought, his frustration growing. "Honestly you just need to work on your breath, and your strength. You're fast, very fast, but it won't mean much if you don't put power behind each attack."
"You're listening, right?" Yalvin kicked Rue's staff from under him. It sent him stumbling. "Fuck off!" he said, his anger showing "You are listening, right?" Yalvin repeated, this time much closer. Rue took a breath, "Yes, yes I'm listening, but everything you've said Master Ned has said too, I can't win because I can't see,"
"And you need a workout routine. You can follow me on mine. It's fairly easy going" Yalvin spun on his heel and began to pace around Rue as he spoke, who finally managed to catch his breath. "We can keep sparring, I'll give you more pointers, your forms weren't perfect after all, and soon enough you'll be kicking my ass across the area just like Lyn did" Rue didn't want to, he didn't want to put in so much effort if it was all going to lead to nothing, but he couldn't see himself turning Yalvin down.
And he did need to get into shape.
"Fine" he said, defeated, "Excellent. We start tomorrow."

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