FNATF!Layla★ The Aftermath

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Layla stood in shock, unable to properly process anything. As she watched her older sister start to shout at their brother, she heard a faint ringing sound growing louder. The shouting was muffled, and she could only hear the initial question. The eight-year-old's eyes were fixated on her twin brother. She felt herself scream and move over to William, but it was like she was watching it more than actually doing it.The ringing in her ears got louder as she picked up her brother's plush, vaguely aware of the fact it had a large patch of blood on it. Layla looked up at the animatronic from which her brother's body was hanging. She felt tears start to stream down her face as she was able to get out one word. "Will?"Tiffany and Zace stopped fighting, suddenly remembering she was still there. Tiffany instantly went over to her little sister, gently pulling her off the stage and away from the growing pool of blood. Zace went over to the diner's phone, presumably calling an ambulance.Layla sobbed loudly, hugging her sister, unable to talk or do anything but cry. She felt the doll that she'd dropped be handed back to her, but Layla just let it fall again as she watched the paramedics get her brother's head out of the golden bear. Her eyes widened in horror. Every instinct in her body screamed at her to look away, close her eyes, anything! But she couldn't. Even as Tiffany's hands covered her eyes, the image was practically burned into her mind.

She wanted to run over to her brother, her twin. But she couldn't. Why couldn't she do anything? She felt her vision go black as she passed out, the situation far too overwhelming for her. The ringing stopped, and she was able to hear usually. Hear the paramedics announce her brother dead. She couldn't remember much of anything after that.


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