FNATF!Layla's Death Part 2

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Fred and Jenny walked back into the party room, holding bags full of prizes. "Layla! We got you a bunch of stuff! There's this super cool-" Jenny paused, looking around. "Layla? Where are you?"

Fred frowned. "That's weird..." He looked down at his step-sister. "Maybe she went to hang out with Mr. Cipher?"

Jenny shrugged. "Let's go see. I really want her to see this Circus Baby plush, since her's is kinda beat up."

"Didn't she just get that two months ago?" Fred asked, confused.

Jenny nodded. "Yeah, but she dropped it in the road a few weeks ago, and now it has a bunch of tears in it and stuff." The nine-year-old explained, walking out of the room.

Fred followed, glancing around the room one last time. He could've sworn he saw blood dripping from Circus Baby.

Jenny walked around Circus Baby's Entertainment, looking around for Bill. "Hello? Mr. Cipher? Layla? Where are you guys?"

Jenny continued walking around and eventually found Bill in a back room. "Hi, Mr. Cipher! Have you seen Layla?"

Bill looked up in surprise. "No, I think she's at home with Zace. Why?"

"Um, we kinda snuck her in to see Circus Baby, and we left to get her some stuff since she was upset, and when we came back, she was gone." Jenny explained, fiddling with her fingers. There was silence for a few minutes before Bill spoke.

"You left her alone?" He asked quietly, standing up. Jenny nodded.

"Is that bad? I know she wasn't supposed to go near her, but we found her sitting on the sidewalk and she was really upset, so we thought-"

Bill muttered something about glitches, then ran off towards the party room.

"No, no, no..." He muttered, running over to the animatronic. Bill tried to ignore the blood splattered on the metal stomach, taking out the remote that opened the stomach up.

He froze for a few seconds in horror before quickly closing Circus Baby's stomach again. He stumbled a little before falling back in a chair. "Oh God, what am I gonna tell everyone...?"


@Ch1ff0ntheK1ttsun3 AU stuffWhere stories live. Discover now