Who x are x you?

938 19 35

You were walking to the designated location the navigators told you to go. You had a paper in your hand, and you gripped on it tightly as you walked. On the paper was what you were supposed to say when you entered the location.

You pondered about how weird it was. Something about eating steak.

Before you know it, you arrive. In front of you was a small run down restaurant. Hesitantly you walk inside

"Welcome!" The cook said

You walk up towards the counter. You really didn't want to speak loudly so everyone could hear. Much less, talk to anyone.

"Are there... any empty rooms here?" You say quietly

"May I take your order?" He replied

"I'd like... an illuminating steak set lunch.. for one.."

After you said that the cook immediately looked over to you

"For one? How should I cook it?" He said suspiciously"

"Grilled with low heat... and roasted carefully until it's well done.."

The cooks smiles "All right, have your seat"

You walk to the back room and sit down. You slope in your chair, resting your head on your arms.

'That was way too much talking to a stranger..' you thought

During your little conversation with him your heart was racing and you were shaking slightly.

Suddenly the the room cranked and made the same sounds an elevator would. You jumped, but quickly realized that the room you were in was probably and elevator leading to the exam site.

You rest your head back into your arms, waiting to the elevator to come to a stop.

It was taking a while, so long that your eyes were about to close. Right as you were about to fall asleep, something dings

You look up and see that your on 100 floor

Soon after that, the red elevator doors slide open

Your met with a tunnel with a decent amount of people in it

Everyone looks your way and stares at you when you walk inside

Out of no where, a small green person pops up. He holds a badge out in front of you. It says '200'.

"Here you go! Please take your number!" The green person says

You take it and nod, giving him a somewhat thankful look.

"Please stick it on your chest and never lose it!"

You nod. Not saying anything.

"Are you new around here?" Someone says behind you

You immediately turn around meeting this somewhat fat man, with a blue shirt and a satchel. You read his badge number '16...'

'He must be skillful I guess..' you thought

You nod in response of his question. You walks closer to you

"How do I put this? I've taken part in the Hunter Exam 35 times now!" He says with a smile on his face

Your eyes widen from this

You know something was up, you just didn't know if it was him or someone or something else. No way he would fail 35 times, with trying each attempt.

"You could say I'm a veteran in the Hunter Exam! You can ask my anything you don't know here!"

You just nod

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