Chapter 1 the party

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"Come on Simon! You haven't gone out in weeks this will be good for you" this wasn't the first time Marceline has invited me to one of her events, she is always trying to get me out of the house and go to concerts, parties, she even took me a funeral! I don't know who's and I'm starting to think she didn't know either. I've never really enjoyed these events, if anything I went to make Marci happy but I especially don't like this event, "a vampire party..? Do you really think me going to a party of vampires is a good idea?" I muttered out, I tried to give a reassuring laugh but I think my discomfort was pretty obvious, "what do you think they'll eat you or something" she said, rolling her eyes "listen I just think you really need to be around people right now ok.." this isn't like the other times Marci has invited me out, I can tell she is truly worried about me and I can't blame her, the holidays are never easy all I can think about is all the Christmases Ive shared with Betty, gosh, I hate seeing Marci like this I gave a long sigh "alright ok I'll go to this party of yours... but don't expect me to socialize I'm doing this for you!"  She gave a big smile and laughed "yeah ok we'll see! The party is at 10 pm don't be late!" She glanced at me up and down "and get a new outfit too, seriously dude if you show up dressed like a dictionary I'll tell everyone that you're an appetizer" she chuckled flying away, I rolled my eyes at her joke but maybe shes right my clothes are so old they're collecting dust I guess this calls for a... SHOPPING MONTAGE!! After spending hours at the mall I felt hopeless, as I was about to give up that's when I spotted it, a hot topic, of course why hadn't I thought of this! I nervously walked in, looking like a sheep in a pack of wolves, I gathered  all the most gothic, dark clothes I could get my paws on, I took it up to the cashier "aaaand that comes to 1,530 gems!" She said in a bored, monotone voice "HOT DAMN! What is this, episode!?" I exclaimed "so can you buy it or not broke bitch" she said getting progressively more angry "um.. what's your most least expensive item" I said with a nervous laugh, she handed me a single pair of small, silver hoop earrings, I guess these will have to do...

By the time I got home it was already 8 and I was already so tired "man I've gotten old" I muttered to myself, how will I survive this party! I was eyeing my bed "welll I can't be tired for the party! Just a 30 minute nap then I'll get ready" I flopped down and immediately fell asleep. After waking up I checked my phone and saw the clock showing 10 pm, shit! I forgot to set my alarm! I jumped out of bed, and got ready so fast you would've thought my house was on fire and I wanted to look good for the firemen. I made sure to grab my earrings but only had time to put in one before I ran in place for a second then zoomed out the door like a cartoon character. I drove for about 30 minutes before reaching the address, an old wearhouse that looked like it had been abandoned for centuries, the only evidence that there had been anyone there was a single body guard standing by a door. I checked the address a couple times before hesitantly getting out of my car, once I got to the door I could feel the body guard eyeing me down, he sniffed the air "a human? What are you doing here huh" he grumbled I met his eyes and discovered "oh shit are you Edward from Twilight? I love those movies" he got visibly embarrassed "What?! No!? No! That's not me!" He replied defensively, attempting to hide his face "yeah it is! I already saw you silly!" He gave out a defeated sigh "yeah it's true...I just really fell off once those movies ended, and of course I completely lost my career after the whole mass lobotomy thing" he complained casually, "right...well can I go in now" I tried to quickly walk past him but instead met his arm blocking the door "listen you little weasel, this party is vampires only, I can't let you go." He ordered in a serious tone, "what?! You can't just- wait weasel..? Anyways you can't just deny me entry because I'm human! You scally wag!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms and tapping my foot, "yeah? Well I just did!" He said with a dumb ass smirk on his dumb ass face "hm well I wonder how the fans will feel once they find out Edward's current career" I replied while pushing up my glasses (in a bad ass way) "Ughhh fine fine whatever just go in" he opened the door angrily and slammed it once I walked in, but I couldn't see anything but a dim light at the end of a hallway, I continued to walk down for what felt like eternity until I finally made it, a dark, red, room full of vampires , and my favorite song was playing! Adams family intro dubstep remix, but once I walked in everyone was staring at me. (Visual representation)

 (Visual representation)

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"Heyyy party people.." I forced a smile and put up finger guns FUCKING FINGER GUNS, Marceline quickly came over to me "Don't worry guys this is my friend Simon he's cool!" The party continued after that "Dude! What happened your 40 minutes late!!" I opened my mouth to answer but before I could she interrupted "whatever whatever it's alright you're here now" she gave a sigh of relief "oh and cool earring!" She said, pointing to my ear "oh thank you I got it from-" but before I finished my sentence she was already gone, this will be a long night.

Love at first bite |Nandor The Relentless x Simon Petrikov|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora