Chapter 3

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With exceptional vitality and an extraordinary level of determination, the sweet potato successfully resolved numerous unsettling issues. However, she had reached a point of exhaustion, consuming an excessive amount of caffeine from the kitchen. The cook, who had just awakened, expressed concern, "My goodness, Mirabelle! That's an excessive amount of coffee! Consuming 40 cups can have severe consequences to your well-being." In response, Mirabelle stated, "I must demonstrate unwavering love for Finnegan. Even if it means risking my own life for love, I willingly accept the consequences." Her miniscule pea brother interjected, "Well, it will be us who will have to deal with the aftermath, not you. So, take a well-deserved break." "I will be in Finnegan's room," Mirabelle replied, briskly ascending the stairs towards the proprietor. "It is important to communicate with Finnegan through Manuel, who will then relay your message to him. It is crucial to avoid any unnecessary risks or potential conflicts.  Sabrina uttered with concern. "Sabrina, we cannot simply assume that Manuel possesses the ability to effectively convey our message. Furthermore, it is likely that Manuel may require professional assistance in dealing with the challenges posed by Finnegan and his demanding nature." Mirabelle concluded, entering the office of the beet. Katrina expressed curiosity about Finnegan's harsh behavior, prompting Manuel to respond by recounting a distant memory.
"Why is it that our parents often take a considerable amount of time to return home? It seems as though we are invisible to them," inquired a young Finnegan with a hint of frustration. Manuel, attempting to offer some solace, replied, "I cannot say for certain, but at least you have been gifted a new gaming console. Once again, happy birthday, brother." Observing a glimmer of optimism in Finnegan's eyes, Manuel continued, "Indeed, the games available on this console are quite enjoyable. I eagerly anticipate the exciting sleepovers we will have with this game." Finnegan expressed his gratitude with enthusiasm, exclaiming, "Thank you! I am truly grateful for this wonderful gift!" Finally, their parents passed by, seemingly disregarding their children. Manuel persisted, "Mother, don't you recall? Today is the day you gave birth to Finnegan!" However, his words fell on deaf ears. Frustrated, the mother unleashed her anger, exclaiming, "You narcissistic individuals! It is imperative that you understand that our wealth does not entitle you to exploit us for money. You have access to nutritious food and comfortable clothing, so what more could you possibly desire? Oh, and you believe you can manipulate my business? I strongly disagree." "Am I manipulative?" Finnegan asked inquisitively. "Certainly not! While our mother provides us with nutritious meals, she tends to only give us wheat bread. Additionally, the clothing we possess may be comfortable, but they are excessively large," Manuel responded. "What did you just say, you insolent child?!" their father retorted, subjecting Manuel to abuse. This prompted Finnegan to express, "Is money truly more important than kindness? Why have I been influenced by such a stereotype?" "You are absolutely right, Finnegan. Please do not concern yourself with Manuel. It is merely tough love," their mother reassured.
Back in the present, Katrina with shock engulfing her, uttered. "That behavior was highly inappropriate. I regret my previous judgmental attitude and am now surprisingly empathetic towards Finnegan." Manuel responded, "It is not uncommon for us to face judgment. This is likely why our hotel has received such a low rating." Sabrina chimed in, "I had a feeling that was the case. However, with the assistance of Mirabelle and ourselves, perhaps we can successfully restore this hotel to its former glory." Meanwhile, in the boss's room, Finnegan responded in an agitated manner. "Please refrain from speaking! Your words are undermining my reputation and making me appear feeble!" Mirabelle attempted to console him. "Please do not despair. I have heard that there is room for improvement in your performances. If you feel comfortable, I would appreciate it if you could share with me the reasons behind your current behavior. I assure you, I am here to provide assistance and support, without any intention to harm." "I believe it may be difficult for you to comprehend the depth of my anguish. Are you insinuating that you are intentionally causing me to become self-centered and foolish?" the beet expressed with frustration. "Absolutely not! Did you not observe the exhaustion I experienced while toiling throughout the night without any assistance? Furthermore, what about the destitute individuals we encounter in the streets?" Mirabelle retorted. Finnegan forcefully tossed a suitcase filled with money onto Mirabelle's face, prompting her to inquire, "These bills appear rather aged. Were they inherited from your parents?" Finnegan replied, "Indeed. They were immersed in wealth! However, they were also exceedingly cruel parents. Thus, material riches became the sole priority." Reflecting on the moment his brother suffered abuse. Mirabelle continued, "Is your father also named Finnegan? I heard that after you expelled Madame Chalot from the hotel, she fatally obliterated your parents. My condolences, by the way." Finnegan  replied, "Please refrain from being overly theatrical. Your claims could be fabricated! Moreover, we are still achieving great success, so what is the purpose of dwelling on the past?"
"My family may harbor negative feelings towards you due to your actions. I must confess, I also feel a tinge of resentment. Nevertheless, I am making an effort to release these emotions. Furthermore, it would be unbecoming for a renowned Christian band to not exemplify the qualities of Christ. How can I demonstrate unconditional love towards you if I do not practice it myself? The act of divine forgiveness has been extended to certain individuals who have identified as satanists. It is worth considering why you, too, cannot be granted forgiveness." Mirabelle asserted. " I will consider your proposition. However, it would be best if you were to depart promptly." Gnarled Finnegan, clutching a grenade. Mirabelle promptly expressed her appreciation and vacated the premises."Mirabelle, we have been searching for you. As a gesture of our gratitude, the family, along with Bob and Manuel, have devised a plan for you to oversee Finn's redemption, while the rest of us handle the cleaning duties. In the morning, Dad and the peas will take care of the cleaning, while Katrina and I will handle the night shift. I must say, this plan is quite brilliant," Sabrina enthusiastically expressed. Mirabelle replied, appreciatively, "Thank you all for your thoughtful plan. I agree, it is indeed brilliant."
"Excellent! It would be advisable for you to make your way down promptly. Bob and the peas are nearing completion of our lunch!" Sabrina informed.

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