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"Rise and Shine". Said Bucky opening the curtains and Making the sun Directly Contact My eyes I Hide my self in blankets As I was sleeping peacefully After years.
"No 5 minutes More!". I said z
"So you sure you don't want to talk to your friends?". Oh Crap! STEVE!. I got up hurrying
"Give me The Phone!". He is taller than me He raises His hands with Phone.
"No You go to sleep I will talk to Steve ". He is teasing me!
"Bucky this is Not the right time to Make Fun of me! Just hand me that Phone!".
"Give her the phone Buck".   That's Steve he Is ok! He handed me the phone

"Hello! Steve OMG how are you? Hows Everyone? Where are you? Why you send me here? What's Happening!". I asked

"Don't worry Y/N we are safe and I just didn't want you to see The chaos but I guess We need you Thor Is not telling us Why and How All I know is that You are Loki's weakness, Get ready bucky and you Are coming Here at the warehouse and we will Plan an attack We Fight together, we Win together."  He cuts the call leaving me Freezed .
"Ohhhh Nooo nooo noooo I can't face him ...". My hands in my hair

"Can I know why? ". 
"No no... ahhh I ..i ..". I started sobbing And Wish this all is a dream
"Hey calm down! Calm down!.".
I started trembling And Had a panic Attack And Then my lips made contact with Bucky's.
He is kissing Me. And I just felt calm. He slowly back off
"Kissing helps Calming I read it somewhere,". He said and Looks down. I just can't Imagine Someone kissed me .
Someone who is not my husband.
" Look I know you are scared of loki..". He thinks I am scared of loki?
"No ! Hell no! Why do you think like that?". I asked him to cut his words
"I mean you are not? Scared?".
"Then what's the problem".
"Loki he ..He is my Husband".
"Oh..I see , Wait What!. Woah! HOW ! WHEN! WHERE!".
"Long story; i will tell you on the road trip Let's go!".

Asgard Age's before:.

"Oh I am Worthy Enough To Catch You!". He was chasing me But I crossed the line and he failed .
"I win, Again!"

"Lady Y/N." i turned round and I saw Tatiana calling my name .
"Yes." I acclaimed
"Odin's wants to see you your father is here". She went after delivering this message.
I froze .
"Thor, Why is My father's here? He abandoned me right? Why now?". I asked thor helplessly
"Don't worry Whatever happens I am with you".

I entered the Court where Odin was sitting on the Thorn.
"Lady Y/N Apollo, I choose You to marry My Elder son Loki."

"What." Loki walks In I didn't notice him ? Was he there before I came here?
"But Father..." Loki's sentence was cut by A man Long white Beard, he was wearing A Gold armor. " This can't happen, I wanted to take my daughter from here Odin! Not to walk her dowm the aisle." He Is my father! Apollo! He wanted to take me From here? No no.. i don't want to go.
"The Decision is your y/n You can go with your father To 'his' place or you can marry my son and be Here in Asgard." Odin is trying to protect me, I get it Because he said 'His' place but the right way was my place He know that I will never accept Apollo as My father but , marriage; is the only way To keep me here The rule is that An Unmarried woman is Under control of his Father, until she gets married, My father who never accepted me? Why is he here now? I just don't Know what to do I think I should go with Odin's decision.
"Yes, Alfather Odin. I will marry your Son". 
"With that The marriage will be In next week !. Y/N Apollo Will Refer As Princess of Asgard and the Bride of Loki , From Now On!". Odin's orders.
I was walking towards the corridors thinking of what I just did !. I am Getting Married to loki! I hate him Since Childhood. I just don't..... A stranger Grab my mouth from back and push me to the Wall. It was Loki!

"WhY ! Just Why did you agree To Odin's order! You want the fame don't you want to be the future queen you poor orphan? ". I grab his hand Kick his legs Now that he is kneeling I push him to the Floor then To the order wall.
"Let me make it clear I don't want to be any queen I didn't agree So that i can get the Thorn I was just protecting myself From My father! And Yes You are right! I AM AN ORPHAN THAT'S WHY I LET ALFATHER ODIN TO DECIDE ! ." I Almost scream the last word
"Don't expect anything from me". He said and got up.
"Trust me I really am not".

"You did it to protect yourself Right?, but who will protect. You! . From Me! ". He whispers in my ears .
"Me." I smirked and pushed him away .
Stupid illiterate Loki! Aughhh .
He was frustrated And I liked that .
Thor gets to know All of this and he understood why I did it cause I don't want to leave Asgard It's my home.
There's a Ball taking Place in Asgard on the celebration of there future princess and I have to go there; with Loki! Aughh I hate it already.
As I stepped out my room in the morning I saw loki again.
"What do you want?." I asked him. He doesn't usually come here.
"My father wants us to be together as possible to know each other."
"First of all loki! I will never accept you As My husband even after the marriage because this marriage is Just a deal and i know why you are being polite right now! You just want to be the king And After marriage you will be permissible to have The Thorn!.".
He laughed That evil Laugh
"Well, well looks like I am having A deal with a selfish person. The game starts now y/n and trust me, you will suffer." With that he left.

Loki X Yn X Bucky Where stories live. Discover now