💜A Friend 's Reaction 💜

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Part 6

Before the Divorce:

Yibo's friends had been there from

the beginning, witnessing the

blossoming of his relationship with

Xiao Zhan. They had seen the joy in

Yibo's eyes whenever he spoke of his

husband, and they admired the love

they shared.

Among Yibo's friends was Jing, his

closest confidante. Jing had been with

Yibo through thick and thin, and he

had often been a shoulder to lean on

during the early days of Yibo's

relationship with Xiao Zhan.

He had always admired the bond

between the two and looked up to

them as a model of true love. Jing was

the one who teased them about being

the perfect couple and playfully

referred to them as "relationship


Yibo had often shared with Jing the

beautiful moments he spent with

Xiao Zhan, and his eyes would light

up whenever he spoke of his

husband's accomplishments and the

love they shared.

To Jing, it seemed like nothing could

shatter the paradise they had built.

The Divorce:

When Yibo told Jing about his

decision to divorce Xiao Zhan, Jing

couldn't believe what he was hearing.

His initial reaction was that of denial,

thinking it must be a


"You're joking, right? You and Xiao

Zhan are meant to be together," Jing

said, a mixture of disbelief and

concern in his voice.

Yibo's solemn expression confirmed

the heartbreaking truth. "I wish I

were joking, but I've fallen for

someone else," Yibo admitted, his

voice heavy with sorrow.

Jing was furious and heartbroken for

Xiao Zhan. He couldn't fathom how

Yibo could let go of a love that had

once been so profound.

"You're throwing away something so

beautiful for what? A fleeting crush?"

Jing snapped, his emotions boiling


Yibo tried to explain the complexities

of his feelings, but Jing was unwilling

to accept any excuses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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