Chapter 8

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Alerion stood outside and stood in the middle of the field behind the Kent Farm, his eyes were closed as the sunlight hit his skin. He felt so light and so much better after his time in the pod, his cells were drinking in the radiation from the sun. But his quiet moment was ruined by loud noises from all over him, he groaned as he gripped his head in pain.

"Try to breathe." a voice said behind him.

He slowly turned and saw Kara standing there with a small smile.

"So much noise." he said.

English took a bit more time for him to learn but he was able to know a few basic things, but he preferred talking in Kryptonian more when he spoke to Kara and Clark.

"I know. It always hurts the first time." she said before coming closer. "Try to pick out a single sound and only focus on that, block out everything else."

Alerion groaned and tried to focus. Then his face started to relax as the sounds started to recede into silence, he opened his eyes and looked at her and started to smile.

"Thank you." he said.

"You're welcome." she said before hugging him.

Alerion was taken aback. Then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, he desperately needed it.

"When Kal told me you were on Earth I didn't want to believe it." she said while hugging him.

"I still can't believe 24 years have passed here." Alerion said as he reluctantly let her go. "Kal is all grown up now. Its strange."

"You and I missed years of our lives in that Blackhole of a deathtrap." Kara said with a frown before smiling up at him. "But at least we are still around the same age."

He smiled and nodded at her.

"How's the farm?" she asked.

"It is amazing. Earth has beautiful nature, the scenery is so alluring." Alerion said while looking around the farm. "Though, Martha and I are still working out the Language Barrier issue."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Kara said with a small chuckle. "I learned English as fast as I could, it wasn't easy though."

Alerion smiled before staring at her. She had grown so much into a beautiful teenager, her hair used to be dark brown but now it was an alluring blonde. Her blue eyes were also beautiful and sparkling with life.


"Huh?" He blinked.

"You've been staring at me for 15 seconds. Are you okay?" she asked.

"Sorry. I just really missed you." he said with a sad smile.

"I missed you too." she said before her face turned solemn. "And I'm sorry about your sister. I was heartbroken when Kal told me, Valta was an amazing person."

Alerion looked down at that and nodded.

"I'm sorry about your parents too." he said.

Then they hugged each other again. But this time, they both clung to each other, all that pain was being released between them and it was satisfying.

"Do you wanna fly with me?" she asked as she started to float up.

Alerion watched her ascend with a look of awe and surprise, he had never seen anything like this. He had never imagined Kryptonians could do something like this on a different planet, it was astounding. He had seen Clark do it a few times but seeing Kara do it was so otherworldly.

"I don't think I can do that yet." he said a little embarrassed.

"Oh. That's fine. Flying isn't easy either way." she smiled. "Maybe next time then."

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