Stage Concepts and Basic Overview ( Incomplete )

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After Colonel Noodle ( who now just goes by Noodle) stops trying to noodilize the world, he realises how lonely he is but also remebers a robot he made that was meant to be the Noodle Syndicates final weapon but he was never used.One day, the robot goes rouge and kidnaps noodle and hides him somewhere inside parappa town. The robot boy stole all the noodilzers and turned them into " Cheeseilizers ". He steals robot parts and wants to take over the world with not just cheese but also robots! PaRappa and the gang must stop the Cheese and Robot apocalypse before its too late while also saving noodle. Their are 9 total stages.

More Context:

PaRappa and Sunny are a offical couple, Milkcan are the worlds greatest band while PaRappa is the worlds greatest singular artist. Milkcan and PaRappa both have tons an tons of fangirls and fanboys. 

Stage 1: PaRappa and the gang look for some fake skin for Noodle for his brand new robot, but all supply of fake skin was stolen by a cheese factory owner, Carry Cow!  PaRappa raps against her and he wins getting the fake skin. The rap is about how cheese is made, how to make cheese plus how Hard it is to own a factory. PaRappa finds it werid she owns the factory yet cows make cheese. 

Stage 2: PaRappa and the gang return to Noodles lair but they find him gone with the robot on charge, they leave the fake skin at the lair and go back to their respected homes. But PaRappa decides to go get some pizza but found out the pizza shop owner had a show and the participant hadnt shown up so PaRappa would have to take their place. The rap Is about makeing a pizza, a pepperoni pizza that seemed to have a bit too much Cheese...

Stage 3:( Incomplete ) As he  walk from the Pizza Shop, PaRappa decides to give the pizza to his favourite teacher, Chop Chop Master Onion! So he walks to the dojo but sadly remembers the sensei lost the dojo. He walks to the place where Romantic Karate was recorded ( he remebers the horrid memory of kissing his bestie Pj ) but finds out CCMO quit. With no hope left he goes to...???

Stage 4:...???

Stage 5: ...???

Stage 6: Of the cheese maker, fake noodilizers ( the cheeseililizer?? ) Is hidden in town and is makeing certain people go a bit pshyco, well the 4 owners of the bookshop! People run from the bookshop as the owners have gone a bit cray cray, they hid all the books and replaced them all with the same book about cheese, some books where about robots though. ( More coming soon) ( One of the book owners is another Moose sister)

Stage 7: PaRappa and the gang find the location of noodle, roughly... but it is guarded by the noodle guards...???

Stage 8: Noodle is free but the gang have to track down the robot boy. They search all over parappa town for him before going to noodles lair and realising, the robot was their but he was doing something..... maybe hacking noodles computers? Ah! It turned around and gave a speech, Cheese was all he knew and it had to take over, everyone must eat It! He initiates a rap battle agasint Noodle and PaRappa, he tries to convince them that Cheese must rule the world!

Stage 9: The final party with King Kong Mushi! 


Notes: PaRappa X Sunny, Pj x the sweet pink thing idk( She wont be in this tho) , Katy x Lammy , Matt ( who isn't in this) is PaRappas cousin, PaRapppa has trama from the Romantic Karate kiss as he thought he was kissing Sunny. 

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