Chapter 1

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In the enigmatic realm between the ethereal and the corporeal, Sukuna found himself reborn, his consciousness awakening in the fragile vessel of a child. The transition from a malevolent force to the innocence of childhood elicited a resounding "What the hell?" within the depths of his being.

Years had passed since his formidable presence was last felt, wreaking havoc in the supernatural domains. Now, confined to the limitations of a diminutive form, Sukuna couldn't shake the disconcerting sensation of vulnerability that accompanied his newfound existence. The weight of a child's body, the unsteady steps, and the feeble attempts to comprehend the world around him were stark contrasts to the overpowering aura he once commanded.

Sukuna's thoughts reverberated with a sense of displeasure, a turbulent clash between the ancient malevolence within him and the innocence imposed upon his current state. The world, once subservient to his whims, now unfolded with perplexing unfamiliarity. The muted colors of a child's perspective seemed a far cry from the vivid chaos he once reveled in.

As he navigated the mundane rituals of childhood — learning to walk, stumbling through words, and grappling with the limitations of his diminutive physique — Sukuna grappled with an internal turmoil that bordered on frustration. To be confined to the frailty of a child's body was, to him, an unbearable form of imprisonment.

His eyes, now innocent yet harboring the ancient knowledge of a being that spanned eons, surveyed the world with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. The trappings of childhood, once a distant concept, became the reality he was reluctantly forced to inhabit. The raw power that once coursed through his essence now lay dormant, suppressed by the innocence of youth.

Yet, within the facade of vulnerability, Sukuna's mind seethed with an unquenchable desire for dominion. The playgrounds meant for laughter and games became arenas where he silently plotted, yearning for the day when he could reclaim the mantle of supremacy. The limitations of childhood fueled the embers of his ancient ire.

In moments of introspection, Sukuna found solace in the recesses of his memories, where the echoes of his former glory lingered like shadows. The juxtaposition of his formidable past and his current state as a child birthed a dichotomy that fueled his discontent. The playgrounds and classrooms felt like a mockery of the grandeur he once embodied.

As Sukuna grudgingly attended to the mundanities of childhood, a smoldering determination ignited within him. The innocence that adorned his exterior masked the turbulence within, a tempest waiting to be unleashed. The child, a vessel for both the ancient malevolence and the burgeoning spirit of defiance, moved through the world with an unsettling grace.

In the quiet moments of the night, when the world slept and the moon witnessed his silent contemplations, Sukuna pondered the enigma of his rebirth. The child, molded by the essence of a malevolent force, stood at the crossroads between innocence and malevolence, a harbinger of an unpredictable future.

"Sukuna, sweetie!" The voice, warm and affectionate, cut through the air like a gentle melody. Summer Rose, his supposed mother, approached with an outstretched hand and a smile that radiated maternal tenderness. Sukuna, still grappling with the confines of a child's form, met her gaze with an unreadable expression.

Summer, oblivious to the tumultuous thoughts swirling within the child that housed the ancient malevolence, knelt down to Sukuna's eye level. Her eyes, pools of unwavering love, crinkled at the corners as she spoke, "How was your day, my little one?"

The words, uttered with genuine concern, hung in the air like a bridge between the worlds Sukuna once knew and the facade of familial warmth that now surrounded him. He regarded Summer with a mixture of wariness and curiosity, the dichotomy of his existence manifesting in the guarded glint of his eyes.

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