Chapter 4

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She wasn't coming back. He already concluded his theory. Two long years had passed since Summer's departure on her mission, yet the return she promised remained an elusive dream, an unanswered prayer that echoed through the hollow corridors of their once joyous abode.

Sukuna, the stoic sorcerer burdened by the weight of a newfound responsibilities, lay meekly in bed. His once impenetrable facade now cracked, revealing the vulnerability that gnawed at his spirit. The memory of his mother's departure lingered, etched into the very fabric of his being—a relentless ache that refused to fade with time.

In the depths of the night, Sukuna lay wide awake, his mind consumed by the haunting questions that plagued his thoughts. What had befallen his mother? Why hadn't she returned as promised? The emptiness of her absence cast a shadow over his existence, a gaping void that rendered him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

The weight of responsibility bore down heavily upon Sukuna's shoulders, the burden of caring for his distraught family amplifying the turmoil within him. His father, Taiyang, once a pillar of strength, had succumbed to a desolate state—adrift in the murky waters of distance and despair, his spirit drowned in the depths of emotional turmoil.

Meanwhile, Sukuna's siblings, Yang and Ruby, bore the brunt of their mother's absence in their own ways. Yang, striving to maintain a facade of strength, hid her anguish behind a mask of resilience. However, Sukuna knew her silent cries echoed in the solitary moments when she believed herself alone. Ruby, the youngest and most emotional, wore her heart on her sleeve, her tears a testament to the overwhelming grief that engulfed their household.

The sorcerer lay awake, grappling with the harsh realities that now defined their existence. The once vibrant laughter that echoed through the halls had been replaced by an eerie silence—a haunting symphony of sorrow that permeated the very essence of their home.

Another thing that kept him awake. The invitation, a seemingly innocuous piece of parchment bearing the prestigious emblem of Beacon Academy, lay untouched on Sukuna's desk. Its presence cast a shadow over his thoughts, a looming reminder of a past intertwined with mysteries and unanswered questions. The mere mention of the academy where his parents once walked the hallowed halls sent a shiver down Sukuna's spine, an uneasy apprehension that refused to dissipate.

Beacon Academy, renowned for its legacy in nurturing Huntsmen and Huntresses, held a revered place in the hearts of many. However, for Sukuna, it harbored an air of distrust and suspicion, encapsulated in the enigmatic figure of the headmaster—the very person who could potentially hold the key to his mother's inexplicable disappearance.

Sukuna's mind was a battleground of conflicting emotions and apprehensions. The invitation beckoned with promises of opportunities, growth, and learning, yet it also bore the weight of haunting uncertainties. The mere thought of stepping foot within the institution that might harbor the truth behind his mother's absence sent a surge of anxiety coursing through his veins.

The headmaster, an enigmatic figure shrouded in layers of secrecy, had been a distant presence throughout Sukuna's life. His parents' cryptic conversations and guarded expressions whenever the headmaster was mentioned had sown the seeds of suspicion within Sukuna's mind.

Questions swirled relentlessly in Sukuna's thoughts. Had the headmaster been involved in his mother's mission? Could he be the reason behind her inexplicable disappearance? The very idea sent a chill down Sukuna's spine, the tendrils of doubt creeping into the recesses of his mind.

For Sukuna, the prospect of accepting the invitation to Beacon Academy felt like stepping into the lion's den—a perilous venture fraught with uncertainties and potential dangers. The web of mistrust that surrounded the headmaster loomed ominously, a barrier between Sukuna and the potential answers he sought regarding his mother's fate.

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