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"It's raining..." He though to himself between slow steps. "At least the plants won't dry out..." The guards slowly guided him into the huge and shiny building. He closed his eyes briefly when he was greeted with warmth and light. "So warm..." It really was warm, but what was coming up is going to be cold and harsh. He knew that. He already knew it. He was fifteen, yet he knew it too well.

His tired body sat down on a long backed chair up in the grandstand. "Too loud..." He closed his eyes and covered his ears. "...Isn't that just a child?" "Yeah, what is he doing here?" "I don't know, but look at him! So small and fragile. He looks like a lost puppy..." The audience was too loud, but then...

"Order!" He opened his eyes at the deep voice and looked towards it with a very slight curiousity. "On this day, a particular trial will be upheld between Lady Furina and defendant Wriothesley. The defendant has been already accused. The trial shall now begin." He stayed silent, observing the young looking girl at the other side of the huge room. She didn't look any taller or older than him.

"My dear people, I can understand your confusion and sadness, because he really is just a mere child... but fear not, this isn't a false accusation! This child before your very eyes is responsible for two adult people's death! The child was founded next to two bodies, which belonged to his foster parents. Do you have anything to say to that, Mr.Wriothesley?" "Who? Oh. Shut up already." He looked at the long white haired man without emotions. "Mr.Wriothesley, I am going to ask you to cooperate, otherwise this trial cannot proceed."

"His voice is different. He's not enjoying this." He didn't even look at the Archon and answered bluntly. "They deserved it." Furina gasped and went at it again. "How could you say such thing? Deserved it? So that means you're not denying it?" "No." "Good, at least not all kids are problematic." "Why can't you shut up?"

He leaned against the chair, almost sinking low enough where it's disrespectful. "So, Mr.Wriothesley, you accept that you're being accused with one of the most punishable sins, without trying to defend yourself?" His grey eyes looked at the man again, finding out a few new things. His eyelashes are long. And his eyes are cat-like. "There would be no point, Your Honor. They are dead. By my hand. No matter what I say I will get what I deserve."

"That is true, but as in this case you could lessen your sentence because you haven't even reached adulthood." "Why does that matter? Fine..." The short dark haired boy stood up and leaned against the railing. "They deserved what they got, Your Honor. The children were-..." But then he stayed quiet. He bit his lip with anger and threw himself back on the chair. "Oh, doesn't your heart break Monsieur Neuvillette seeing such small child killing without reason?" "Lady Furina, I am not the one who accused, and I am not the one being accused so I do not play such part in this trial."

"Heh, he's annoyed too. Despite that she's an Archon she's really a pest." "Did you hear that? Does that mean Neuvillette doesn't even care that it's a child in the defendant's seat?" "I mean, he is the Chief Justice and he serves justice to everyone, but that's a bit cruel." "Does he even have a heart?" The people's whispering got so loud Neuvillette had to quiet them once again.

The trial continued in the same way, nothing changing. "If no one has any more objections, then let this trial move to the final stage." The silence was too loud as a guard pushed a card looking thing into the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale and the whole stage and room lighted up with a gentle blue light.

"Wait. This isn't right. I screwed up. I'm sorry. Why didn't I-" According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, Mr.Wriothesley is..." His voice almost broke as he took a short pause. "Guilty." The boy's eyes widened, even though he knew this would be the outcome. He slumped down on the chair and sighed, closing out the world from himself.


"Mr.Wriothesley, I apologise for the delay, but there seems to be something wrong with your papers so you must stay in this office while it's being solved." Huh? When did he get here? It's a smaller room with a lot of bookshelves. The office smells like paper and rain. "Fine by me." He sat down on a comfy looking sofa and gazed down to his knees.

The rain was slowly quieting down to a more gentle pace before the tall man spoke. "Wriothesley. Why did you kill them?" The black haired boy looked up at him, not being able to say anything. "He looks intimidating but also... really beutiful." "You don't need to answer of course, but I really want to know the reason as to why would you do such thing."

"Fine." He sighed and started speaking. "They were my foster parents. They were liars. They said someone will adopt my siblings and me someday, but in reality they were selling us. The one who didn't sell or found out about it got disposed off. So I got disposed of them before they could." Neuvillette's eyes widened, placing down the fancy wine glass filled with water. Suddenly the tain started to pound the windows harshly and the wind picked up.

"I am... sorry. But if such thing happened why didn't you tell it during trial?" "Lady Furina was too loud." That's all he said before falling back into his own world and ignoring Neuvillette's upcoming questions.

He was soon taken to the Fortress of Meropide, giving him a chance to still make himself a pretty good life down there. "I'm sure we will meet again. Be careful." That's all what Neuvillette said before turning around with a dark blue umbrella and walking slowly despite the pouring rain.

A few years later...
"Aye, Wriothesley! You're up earlier than usual. Some morning training before work?" The tall man shakes his head and smile. "Oh Roussimoff. No, today no. Well, not anymore. I'm getting released today." The said man smiles bitterly. "So no more champion Wriothesley in the Pankration Ring? Even if I won't, the girls will miss you." Wriothesley chuckles and shakes his head before attending to the stuff he wanted to do in the first place.

The lift ride was uncomfortable. When he was little it felt much bigger and quieter. But the lift was nothing compared of what was to come. He stepped out and instantly covered his eyes from the burning sunshine. He had to take a few minutes to get used to the sun. "It burns, huh? I'm sorry but you have to see Monsieur Neuvillette about offical matters, so we need to hurry up." "I know, I know, just give me a minute"

Neuvillette's POV:
"They should be here by now... I'm curious to know how much the little kid has changed..." He sat as his desk with crossed legs, filling out some paperwork to keep him distracted.

Two gentle knocks.

"Please, come in." He answered before standing up at the sight before him. The small kid he remembered turned into a giant... Wriothesley was taller than Neuvillette and certainly was more buff with all the muscles he built in his freetime. "Good afternoon, Monsieur Neuvillette! I have brought Mr.Wriothesley." "Ah thank you Madeline. You can go now."

The woman salutated before leaving in a hurry. But Wriothesley didn't care. He was too focused on Neuvillette. He didn't change one bit! He was too surprised to have met the same handsome face after all these years. But Neuvillette was looking a lot too. The small and fragile child he saw had turned into a whole mountain that could easily carry a man, but maybe even two.

"So, the Duke of the Fortress, huh?" Neuvillette broke the silence and striked up a conversation. "Haha, well, only with your consent, that's why I'm here. I've been planning to get this title and this is the last step to it." "Congratulations, Wriothesley."

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