Costume store part 2

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Mom: "James you go with Mikey and go to the boys section and each find a costume I'll go help your sister find a costume"

James: "ok"

Mikey: "Cmon I wanna be a football player!!!" Mike starts ruining towards the sports section

James: "Wait up" I run to catch up with Mikey

Mikey: "I don't know what to be I think football player but look baseball,nascar Oooooh"

James: "Just pick one"

Mickey: "Look we could be twins "

James: "Yah sure whatever" I look over at Lea and mom looking at all the princess dresses. With my mom holding them up to her. I see Lea with her long beautiful blond hair. In that moment I look at the full length mirror beside me and I see my reflection with my short hair.

Mikey: "James James!!!"

James: "Yah what" I say being snapped out of whatever trance I was in.

Mikey: "I wanna be a football player wanna be one with me?"

James: "Sure" I say reluctantly grabbing the costume and a helmet 

Mom:"You BOYS ready what did you two choose?"

James: "Yah we're gonna be uh football players." I say looking at leas princess dress. We check out and the lady at the register starts talking to my mom.

Lady: "You have two nice strong boys here they gonna be nice strong football players nice choice you two" "Oh and your pretty princess" "Last Halloween for you two I bet you should get lots of candy and eat it all you only live once"

James: my mom smiles at the lady and then we leave

James and the treat-pailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora