Pay attention

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James: I hear the bell ring I get startled where did the time go I look down at my desk and see a packet. Did I really not pay attention for an entire 45 minutes my thoughts a were just crazy. I put the packet in my bag and head to my next class

Ana: James what's been up with you.

James: Nothing I'm fine
The entire day James can't focus and it's s driving him crazy
Home in bed: what is going on with me I go online and play my favorite online role play game I look at my character HE looks a lot like me I see the profile and the big bold words sex:  MALE. I look at the short hair and the masculine clothing my character is wearing I clear the clothing. I put him in a dress I select long hair I put lipstick on him. The face and body shape is the same but she's beautiful. Could I look like that I wonder? What no ew why would ugh why did I do that that's so weird I slap my laptop shut hide under the covers and go to sleep

James and the treat-pailTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang