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James: I wake up to my alarm blaring ugh school I hate school so much. I get out of bed and put on my school uniform I go downstairs and brush my teeth.

Mom: "James your tie is on crooked"


Mom:"What was that I heard mister"

James: "Nothing mom" I say I  proceed to fix my tie oh how much I dread wearing this school uniform

Lea: "Het mom what's for breakfast?"

Mom: "Eggs  and pancakes"

Lea: "mmmm yummy"

Mom: "Kids sit down"  mom puts the plates in front of us

James: I look at the food on the plate and I can't manage ti out anything on my fork to eat. I look over seeing my mom drinking her coffee and my sister eats the pancakes. They look delicious but for some reason I just can't bring myself to eat them. I spend 10 mins just stare at my plate

Mom: "James what's wrong why haven't you touched your breakfast?"

James: "I'm just not hungry mom"

Mom: "Well com-on we have to go Lea,James grab your book bags" 

James: we head out to the car I hop in and buckle my seat as we drive to school. We're at a stop sign and I see some girls from my school walking to school. I see their lace skirts and long gorgeous hair. I would kill to have that hair. I would kill to be them. I snap out of it.

Lea: "What's wrong James?"

James: "What?"

Lea: "You look like you have seen a ghost"

James: "I'm fine"

Mom: "ok love you two have a good day at school" my mom says pulling into the school drop off area

Lea: "bye love you"

James: "Bye mom love you"

Mom: "Bye"

James: I walk into the school and head to my first class. My first class is math I'm really good at math one of my strongest classes. I take my seat.

Math teacher: "James how was your weekend?"

James: "It was alright you sir?"

Math teacher: "Spent some time with my mom it was nice"

James: "Did you grade the test?"

Math teacher: "I sure did" he pulls the  paper behind his back "Guess what?"

James: "What?"

Math teacher: "Perfect score like always"

James: "Thanks"

Math teacher: "No thank you,you make the class average so much higher"

James: "new lesson today?"

Math teacher: "Spot on, we still have to wait for all the stragglers  to come in." He turns away and heads to his desk.

James: I start doodling on my paper. My mind starts thinking like crazy. What does my dad mean by that,do I really stare at girls?? I don't right? I hate my hair. I hate everything about myself but I just don't understand why? I stare down at my clothing. I wish I didn't have to wear this stupid uniform. I wish I wasn't who I was. I wish I understood why I'm feeling like this. I wish I was normal.

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