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"Are you a resident of Baldur's Gate?" The guard angrily and impatiently asks you. "Yes, I am so why am I being denied access to the entrances and exits?" you challenge the guard, to which his response is the hilt of his sword. You topple slightly at this instantaneous pain. This makes the crowd even more angry. " We didn't take the fuckin nobles why we bein punished fa??" you hear one person shout at the guards. Another becomes hostile and before you know it citizens and the flaming fists are fighting each other in the streets and near the gates. You managed to squeeze between the battling peasants and guards to one of the northern side gates and snuck out past the chaos. Between the fighting of what seemed like all of Baldur's gate and the military, nightfall came faster than you had anticipated. The sun setting made you realize how exhausting your day actually was. You walked for what seemed like hours before plopping down next to a large sturdy tree.

"This looks like a good place to lay rest for the evening." you muttered to yourself looking around at the bushy trees, perfect for setting up some traps and alarms. You waste no time putting up some twine attaching small bells and cans. After some hours you build your fire and begin to make some stew. The smell begins to waft towards you, your stomach responds with a noise. "Time to eat." you say to no one as you grab a wooden bowl from your pack and serve yourself a generous portion. You bow your head thanking nature for providing the food.

The sun has completely hidden away for the evening and the moon shines bright upon the trees and campsite. Despite the missing people, the evening seems to have a sense of calm about it. The coffee kettle begins to whistle, drowning out the first rustle that happens in the nearby bushel. Reaching for your bag nearby, you grab your cup and sugar cane, enveloping the second noise. Grabbing the kettle gently, you pour some of the steaming hot liquid in this small metal cup with a dangling handle. This time you hear the rustle in the bushes and quickly grab your rapier.  The hilt is slightly warm from being near the fire, you tighten your grip. 'This stranger doesn't know that I don't really know how to use this so hopefully it's enough to scare them off' Your internal voice attempting to reassure you. To your surprise, a tall, slender man with pale skin and amber eyes. He walks out slowly with his hands up in the air. "I mean you no harm darling. I'm simply lost. May I inquire as to where I am?" His piercing smile glistens slightly off the moon light where you notice it ever so slightly.... fangs. 

You act like you don't notice his fangs and act casual. "You're about forty minutes outside of Baldur's Gate, but don't think you're getting back into the town tonight. A magistrate and some nobles went missing so the flaming fists are taking anyone and everyone to prison or the noose." His eyes peaked when you said Magistrate. "Did they happen to say the name of this magistrate?" you just shake your head negative. "Can I move closer now or do you still believe me to be dangerous?" he smiles slightly, but this time being more conscious of his teeth. You wave your hand to the other side of the fire, still holding the rapier closer. He smiles again at this action as if knowing that he could kill you in a second if he wanted.  He walks over and sits opposite of you. "So, what brings a lovely person such as yourself out here to these secluded woods? monsters and evil people lurk about and could eat someone as innocent as yourself right...up" he pops his lips on the p for emphasis. You know what he's doing, but you also know you could kill him with one spell. The question is who would get their attack off first. That answer would come moments later.

Sharing A Campfire (Reader X Astarion )Where stories live. Discover now