The Rogue and the Sorcerer

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It took only seconds before he was on you, covering your mouth with one hand and pinning both arms above your head with the other. You lie on your back ready to submit to your fate when he starts licking your neck. You wait for the piercing pain that follows a vampire bite. Time ticked so slowly as you await your fate, only to be met with nothing. Lying stunned for a few more seconds he whispers " I can't. Not if I don't want to be seen as a monster." you don't know what's happening, but you use this moment to push him off and grab your alchemy purse. He shuffles back on the ground, the look of a wounded puppy. "What the fuck?!" you managed to yell at him. " I should disintegrate you right here Vampire!" you yell. His face turns more ashamed causing you to feel slightly bad. You sigh in resignation. "Sit, let's talk." He looks at your face almost as if he's searching for the answer to an impossible puzzle. "What?" you respond insecurely. The stranger flashes a smile again, this time with full exposure of his glistening fangs. "it's been two nights since I've eaten. I found a boar the other night, but it wasn't enough, then I heard a tea kettle and found you. I figured the vampire gods were smiling down on my starving self, but then you just looked so terrified as you heard that rustling. It was adorable." You feel your face flush slightly. " And then when I actually got the jump on you imagine my surprise when I tasted your flesh so closely and couldn't manage to sink my teeth into your supple neck." Your body shivers at the thought of your blood being drained, but also at the thought of his teeth, his lips on your neck. You shake the thought away. ' This guy just tried to eat you!  get a grip' your internal voice scolds you. His gaze examines your reactions and little movements. "Don't worry darling, I'm not going to bite you unless you give me permission. I give you, my word. Now tell me about yourself. Almost as if your memory had been wiped you couldn't think of a single thing to tell this man that made it even look like it was worth sparing your life. "I was a maid to a Sorcerer in Baldur's Gate called Thimble. He was an adopted father of sorts when no nobles or magistrates were around. Snuck me candies and good food when he could. Gave affection and taught me magic, he was one of the Nobles taken. I've been trying to pretend that I don't know really who he is because he was always worried about enemies and cultists. Then nobles started going missing, one by one until he was the last one."  The vampire sat and listened to every word. You were too indulged in your story to notice his twinge at the mention of Thimble.
"I see." he responded, taking a moment to take in what you told him. " Well then. I can see how you would be exhausted mentally and physically. I suppose I should tell you who I am. My name is Astarion and I was a magistrate in Baldur's Gate before my... affliction." Now I am out here hunting ravishing young things such as yourself for late night snacks." The joke was lost on you given that moments ago he was about to suck you dry. He chuckles dryly and smiles. "However, since I don't need sleep, I can stay watch while you rest for the evening, I'll even let you tie bells on me." That actually made you chuckle. "I guess I have to sleep sometime." you said before laying out your pack for the night. "Well, it's been a pleasure Astarion if you change your mind while I sleep. Just so you know, my blood tastes awful." A small smirk flashes across his face. You lie facing towards him, watching the flame shadows lap up his figure. Before you even notice, you fall asleep.

Astarion must not have changed his mind because you awoke to the smell of meat and something else. It was him and he was cooking your breakfast. "Oh, good morning darling, here's a little apology for almost eating you." His tone casual as if it was no big thing. You look it over "Where did you get ham and eggs and..." you look over the pot once more " zucchini?" he looked so proud. "there's a small village on the other side of the trees. It only took about an hour to get there. Apparently, they got tired of Baldur's Gate and made a settlement." You looked a little suspicious. "And all of them are still alive?" He chuckles. "Yes, I do have money you know, I'm not a barbarian." You would almost believe him sounding offended if you didn't know he was a vampire. Hesitantly, you grab the pot and begin eating the food. " So will you be going back into town?" he asks you. You hadn't given it much thought with all the chaos and it's only a matter of time before you end up on the wrong side of an accusation. "I'm not sure. I wanted to investigate the missing nobles. I'd like to know if Thimble is dead and if he is, taking vengeance. He was a kind little gnome who never hurt anyone." Astarion rolls his eyes. "They're all politicians darling, and trust me, they wouldn't bury your body if the hole was dug already. I would know, I was one." His voice having venom in it for the first time since your meeting. You sense something isn't right, but it's too soon to ask something that seems that personal. You'll wait. After you finish eating, you wash out the pot and cup and throw it in your pack. I need to go to the Underdark to consult with a dark elf named Amara, want to tag along?" He seemed surprised at your proposition. "I would love nothing more."

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