Campfires and Vampires (sex scene) don't read if not comfortable

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"So, tell me about this Drow." Astarion breaks the silence after you both had been walking for quite some time. You stop to rest and think for a moment. "Well, she's one of Lolths chosen, she's incredibly smart and is under dark royalty of house Baenre. She's a warrior and an herbalist. Her most useful quality of all though? A magic only she and one other know. A tracking spell.  I'm going to ask her to find Thimble. If he's alive she'll see him. If not...well.. It'll be darkness." Your voice trailing off. Astarion still listening attentively. "Well here's hoping for your pretty, bleeding heart that he's alive." His voice mixed with sympathy and a hint of... conflict. "Well we better get a move on if we plan to make our next camp for the night." Astarion reaches over offering you a hand up and you take it. Even though you know he's a vampire, you're still a little taken back by how cold his hand was. "Apologies, I'd warm them if I could." He said sincerely. You smile slightly at the gesture and continue on for about four more miles before reaching a small grotto with a pristine hot spring.
"Oh, I've never seen anything like this out here before" he looks around genuinely astonished before his eye catches something else. A small waterfall to the left feeding into a small lake. You look over and notice his child like wonder at the scenery. " I'd imagine magistrates don't go into nature very often do they?" He looks over at you almost as if he forgotten you were there. "No, I imagine not. I never did. It was all meetings and peasant's yelling, banquets with people who want you dead or want to be you. Utterly repulsive, this is much better. Especially with such great company." There it was again, the heat rising through your body. "What makes me such great company? More than the men and women of the court?" You jokingly asked this,  but his face turned serious. He moves to you almost instantly, you're taken aback but you don't move. He gently puts his icy hand on your cheek "darling, the fact alone that you're so unabashedly yourself and trusting, kinder than anyone I've met in my first life or this one... I'd rather be around you for eternity then be alive with them again. Not to say I don't miss living especially without circumstances in which I am living." He pauses " Enough about how amazing I think you are. Let's go for a dip I'm sure we'll both feel better for it." You choose to ignore him wanting to change the subject this time. He wastes no time stripping completely nude and chooses the hot spring first. You start walking toward the secluded lake when he looks at you and smiles slyly. " what's the matter dear? Scared of being in the hot spring with the big Bad vampire spawn? Are worried I'm going to eat you up?" He teases you. No you're just a little insecure about your body. But you won't admit that. "Yes ma lord that's exactly it" You retorted snarky to which he smiled wider. "I could force you in... If it please his lord" He begins to play into it. You feel a blush coming and try to contain it. "Just join me, what's the worst that happen?" He asks while gently patting the water near him. You concede and strip to only your undergarments. "Hardly seems a fair trade off. You saw me in all glory, but I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." His tone meant what he said which did make you feel more comfortable. You got in and sat opposite of him. For awhile you both just enjoyed the silence of the night and the full sky of stars, this time an absent moon. You feel the water start to rustle, it's Astarion moving closer to you. "What do you need moving this close?" You keep one eye open and one eye relaxed closed. " I want to kiss you." Your other eye opens. "beg your pardon?" You had to make sure he said what he did. " Ever since I saw you that first night... there's something different about you. I can smell it in your blood. Something... pure and almost angelic. And then even after everything you trusted me, and continued to even though I could literally rip your throat out." He pauses. Debating his next words " You're special." He says in almost a whisper. You don't know what to say so you just nod. He smiles softly and places his hand gently on your face, only this time it's warm from the water. His cold lips touch yours and you feel the softness yet slightly rough ridges from the cold. He places the other hand around the lower part of your back to bring you closer. His tongue is asking for permission and you consent gladly to the feverish flicking of his tongue against yours. You have no idea how much time has passed but you don't care, right here is the only place you want to be, with this perfect bring of a person who for some reason wants to eat you in the best way. You begin to take off your undergarments which were once your armor and are now a hindrance. Before you manage to get the first piece off Astarion stops you. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable or do something you normally wouldn't." His concern only made you want to more. "No, I want this." You reassure him. He smiles and nods. " Then let me do the honors my love." He kisses slowly around where your left shoulder strap is in every spot it falls off of until the garment is removed. He does the same with your right, except kissing your neck on the way this time. You feel his hands reach under water and pull up the remaining garment. "There are no more barriers, just me and you." His gaze is more serious this time as he pulls you on top of him. You feel that he's been waiting for you and you show him that you're ready for him. Astarion lets out a pleasurable groan as he enters inside of you, you feel his length enter you and fill you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and slowly begins thrusting as he plants gently kisses on your neck and throat. You turn your neck towards him " bite me" You whisper in his ear. "Are you sure?" He asks shocked. You nod into his neck and he tenderly begins to bite into your neck, you feel a slight pain, then euphoria. Astarion begins his thrusting again and you begin to feel even more ecstasy and euphoria. He whispers in your ear "Don't cum yet you sweet thing, I want to make you scream my name first. You can call me Astarion or my lord but either way you will." You feel his thickness getting harder with each thrust "say my name won't you darling?" He licks your ear and kisses your neck. "Please?" He teases. You cave in and feel an explosion of unbearable pleasure and somehow managed get out "Astarion don't stop" To which he happily complies and continues until you feel that last thrust of completing. "It wasn't a scream, but I'll take it" He says with a smirk while holding you against him.  You don't even know what to say at this point. "Although I'm perfectly fine staying like this, I do believe we should get some rest before tomorrows adventures." You nod in agreement and move yourself next to him. "I'm going to stay here for a Little longer" you tell him. He looks suspicious for a moment but goes to the camp area to start the night fire. You lie with your head back staring at the stars comprehending everything that has happened this past week. As you close your eyes you here a bush rustling. "Come back for more?" You teased. "I haven't had any yet, but I wouldn't mind." That voice was not Astarion.

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