Come a little closer

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Alice set foot in the main bulding of the Toses train station and has a quick look around. Her legs are shaking with anticipation fer her girlfriend. She looks to the left, but no one familiar is standing there, so she looks to the right. No person in particular catches her eye. But then, she notices a familiar skirt. The same skirt, that Alma wore in so many of their video calls. Alice checks the persons's hair from afar, it matches Alma's hair perfectly. It must be her.

Alma is looking down onto her phone, most likely checking the time, her other hand is fidgeting with her skirt and she appears to be very nervous. Alice locks her gaze onto Alma's head and waits patiently for her to raise it so she can be sure it's really her. And then Alma finally does. She raises her head, and her eyes wander across the room. And within a second she spots Alice standing there, eyes locked with hers.

They stare at each other for a good five seconds, unsure of whether the other one is really standing there. Alice decides to make the first step, as she literally begins walking towards Alma, her legs still quivering from excitement. Alma notices Alice's moves and also begins walking toward her. Alice keeps her slow pace, but Alma is too excited and speeds up gradually, until she is almsot running.

Then finally, their bodies collide. Alma runs up to Alice and hugs her as tight as she can and she locks her amrs around her chest. Alice is a little surprised by Alma's reaction, but she quickly hugs her as well, one arm wround her waist, the other on her head. Then they just stand there, arms locked around each other for a solid twenty seconds, not saying anything, just hugging. Then Alma decides to break the silnce.

"I can't believe you're here."

"Me neither," asnwers Alice and a huge smile forms on her face. A tear of joy slowly rolls down her cheek.

Alma loosens her hug and looks up at Alice, directly into her eyes. They look into each other's eyes longingly, Alice strokes Almas cheek with her hand. Then she moves in closer and kisses Alma on the lips. The kiss is long and passionate. After a monet Alice pauses the kiss to catch her breath as she startes into Alma's eyes again.

"I've wanted this for so long," says Alma with the brightest smile imaginable.

"Me too," says Alice, and she smiles as well.

"Then don't stop," says Alma and she pulls herself closer to Alice, hugging her tightly once more as she begins making out with her (she has to stand on her tip toes since she's a bit shorter). Alice reciprocates and they begin making out for who knows how long. They stop after a while and lock eyes once again.

"So is this really happening?" asks Alma in an almsot joking manner.

"Yes, it really is," says Alice, Alma's question made her laugh a little.

"You wanna maybe... go someplace else?" asks Alma nervously but with a smile.

"Sure, take me wherever you want," says Alice and she interlocks her hand with Alma's. Alma notices and begins to blush. She gives Alice one last long kiss and then says: "Let's go then." And she guides Alice out of the station outside into the streets of Toses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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