the four personalities

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I woke up with a smile on my face I know she didn't recognize me yet, but I am happy because we are finally together now, I needed Koa in my life she's my safe sky. My world that I lived in she was everything I need

I sit up on my bed and look beside me but to my disappointment Koa was not there so I stand up and look around the room

where is she?

I went down and went to the kitchen and to my surprise Koa was there, looking so different? Weird.

"Good morning baby" I sweetly said and went to her

"Morning." She coldly reply so I was confused what's wrong with her?

"Something wrong?" I ask and hug her from behind I felt her hands on mine pulling  me away from her.

"Can you get off me. early in the morning your so clingy."

She irritatedly said so I was damn confused right now?! What's with her?! She was so sweet last night but dang looking at her right now is different

"Did I do something wrong for you to be upset with me?" I calmly ask because my patience is running low she's not like this never in my life I've seen this version of her it's like I have met a different person

"Look I'm sorry, maybe I'm just tired and sleepy, can I excuse myself for a moment I just need to breathe." She said and walk away from me I just followed her with my gaze

What happened to you Koa? Your acting weird right now.

Alan (grandpa)

My phone rang so I pick it up immediately when I saw who's calling

"Hello Koa" I ask when I answered the call

"Hello Alan, long time no talk." An Icy voice is what I heard on the other line so I was confused

"Hello who are you?" I ask

'You don't remember me Alan. What a shame. Want me to give you a clue of who I am."

I frowned who is this fucker what does she/he needs.

"Can you just tell me. Who the fuck are yo-"


I froze on my spot when I heard that name, No. shit, this is not the time for her to come back, it's too soon.


"Stop calling me in that coward's name Alan." She said after she cut me off

"Look Kieran. This is not the time for you to come out. Let Koa handle this?!" I was frustrated because I know what she can do, damn it.

"And what that coward Koa will do? Be stupid with that fucking girl, no way I will not let her take over. I will do the mission alone. And by the way just wanted to give you two choices be wise."

Shit she's good at this. She's good at manipulating people she can turn the tables around in one second, and she well knew that she has the upper hand in this conversation.

I sighed and nod even though I knew she isn't seeing me right now

"What's the two choices" I finally said

"Let me do the job alon-" I cut her

"There is no way! I will let you Kieran! I know how brutal you are!! And how merciless you can be?! So I will not let you do this alon-"

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