Jax x Sad! Reader

662 12 20

TW: Angst with comfort

You had lost track of the days you had spent in the circus. You didn't participate in the adventures anymore. You used to do them with the hope you could distract yourself from the aching need to leave. You stopped trying to ignore the longing for an escape out of this digital hell a while ago.

Your room was a mess, there were scratched up tally marks on the baby blue walls, and there was trash everywhere. You couldn't be bothered to pick it up and you didn't have the motivation to either.

As you stare at the dark ceiling of your unlit room you mulled over your purpose here. The only thing illuminating the room was the florescent hallway light that seeped through the cracks in your door.

A defeated sigh escaped your lips as tears stung your eyes. You wanted to go home. The sound of your door unlocking startled you out of your thoughts. There, in the doorway, stood Jax. He was holding a jar that was presumably filled with insects or spiders. He had his annoyingly smug grin slapped right on his face. It faltered for a split second when he saw the state you were in. 

"Hey...dollface...are you alright..?" Jax asked in a concerned tone. This was really out of character for him. You thought that he would taunt you or make fun of you for crying.

"I wanna go home..." You muttered weakly through sniffles and hiccups. You felt embarrassed for sounding like such a baby. Why couldn't you just keep it together? Then, Jax did the most unexpected thing you have ever seen. He hugged you. Jax, the biggest ---hole the circus has ever  seen, just hugged you. Not like you minded. His fur was warm and soft as his arms snaked around you.

"Shhh.....you'll be okay....everything will be fine..." He whispered, his purple fur tickling your neck a bit. "If you need to cry, you can...but you'll owe me for getting my fur wet, just saying."

This got a weak laugh out of you. You sniffled and hugged him back as a few more hot tears spilled down your cheeks.

"I just want to leave this hellish place...it's the same thing, over and over and over again and I can't take it anymore..." You mumbled into his shoulder, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. You were tired both physically and mentally. Your eyes drooped a bit and your grip loosened.

"Take it easy, sugar plum. I won't leave unless you want me to, but for now, I'll be here so just rest your little head and take a break. You deserve it."

Done. Might edit later on.

Have a good day.

Consensual hugs

Don't do unperscibed drugs

requests are open.

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