Pomni x ADHD reader

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(I would just like to say, I do have ADHD and i'm not just being like: oOoOh mEnTaL DiSoRdErS aRe qUirKy)

Ever since you got to the circus, you knew something was wrong with you. Like you had a few screws loose in the emotions and focus department. You were in the middle of a feast after an adventure. You were sitting, staring at your food as your mind trailed off elsewhere. Your eyes were wide, your body slightly rigid, and no sounds around you were actually relevant to you at the moment. You were just about to go down another rabbit hole of thoughts when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Um...Y/N? Are you alright? You've been staring at your mashed potatoes for thirty minutes" Pomni said, looking up at you with her doe eyed stare. She looked a bit worried and a bit confused.

"What? Oh I'm fine. I just zoned out and started thinking about a hypothetical situation that would never happen." You said, your brain still coming out of its fog.

"Oh. Well it's time for the second in-house adventure..." She said while wringing out her hands anxiously. You looked back at your now cold food and sighed.

"I didn't even get to eat anything" You got up and stretched before looking down at Pomni before asking, "What's the adventure?"

Before Pomni had a chance to answer Caine materialized from thin air, startling both of you.

"Well Y/N! I'm so glad you asked! For the next in-house adventure we will be playing a game of Hide And Seek!" He exclaimed before his voice dropped down to a murmur. "I couldn't think of anything so I had to go to the basics..."

A frustrated sigh came from Zooble.

"Do I have to play? This is f-----g dumb anyways..."

"Yes Zooble, you m...." Caine started to say. You didn't hear the rest of it because you started to zone out again. You turned around and saw a stack of blocks that weren't in color coded order so you slowly walked over there and started to rearrange them. You lost track of time and when you finally finished, everyone was already done with the game.

"I...oh...I guess they finished" You muttered to yourself while standing up. You started to walk to your room, your feet making a soft thud every time they met the black and white tile floor. "It's fine...I didn't want to play anyway...right? Yeah, that's probably right. I didn't want to play anyway."

You continued to ramble to yourself as tears pricked your eyes. Why couldn't you just stay focused on something for more than two minutes. Why couldn't you just keep your emotions in check? Why were you crying over something so...small?

You walked into your room, slowly you shut the door and sat on your bed. You were about to spiral into a rabbit hole of negative and self deprecating thoughts when there were a few soft taps on your door.

"Um, Y/n? You forgot your sweater." Pomni said as she peeked inside. "I'm just gonna leave it...um...are you okay? That was a stupid question...what's wrong?" 

You didn't answer. You didn't want  to answer either, so you just sat there, the silence occasionally being broken by your sniffles. Pomni hopped onto your bed, sitting next to you.

"Do you need a hug?" She asked meekly while opening her arms. You quickly took up her offer. You basically tackled her into a hug which sent her sprawled out on the mattress, the little bells on her hat making a soft jingle sound as she fell. The pressure of the hug calmed you down a little. You sniffled and sighed.

"Pomni? Why do I forget everything? Why can't I just focus for more than five minutes?"

Pomni was quiet for a minute before answering.

"I don't know...but to me you're perfect" She says before her eyes widen and her cheeks flush bright pink. You can feel your face heat up as well as you pull away from the hug.

"W-wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!" She spouts quickly while covering her face. You look at her, dumbfounded.

"You mean that? You...really mean that?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper. She peeks out of her hands and nods.

"Thanks Pomni..."

All done.

Sorry if this was ooc. I don't really know pomni as a character well.

TADC Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें