IV - the helper

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-ˋˏ " You can rot in here for all I care. " ˎˊ-




I toss a pebble up and down, throw it, catch it, an endless game. My boredom is eating me alive. It's not my first time that Norman has held me hostage, I'm just more impatient to escape this time; because I know they're all waiting for me, he's waiting for me.

The door opens just as expected, "hey Norm." I call out.

"Y/n," he says politely, "are you ready to obey me?"

"Absolutely not. I told you, it'll always be a no. I don't take orders from you." I groan, lying back on a bed that is not mine; uncomfortable.

He sighs, "I was hoping you wouldn't say that."

I open my eyes, he's sitting beside me. How'd he move so quick? I didn't hear him move an inch. I furrow my brows, "can you let me out already? I don't want to be here."

He frowns, "I want you here y/n, we were partners, remember?"

"Before you wanted to wipe out every demon that breathes." I scoff at the stupidity.

"Y/n they tortured you— us, and you're defending them? Have you lost your mind?" He raises his voice, it doesn't startle me anymore. My Norman is lost inside him, deep down.

"I haven't forgotten... I can never forget those memories, they haunt me." I exhale slowly and sit up. "Norman, the demons on the outside aren't the ones who locked us away. There's kids—"

He cuts me off; "demons, not kids."

"Demons have babies too, those poor things. They are just trying to survive." I bite my lip, I know what they did to us, but most demons are just trying to survive, just like us.

He swiftly rises to his feet. "I'm done with this conversation. You couldn't change my mind before, you certainly won't change it now."

He walks off and I stare at him, frowning. I picture the small boy he once was. A tiny, weak, yet very intelligent, boy. He just wanted to save his family. I believe he has the same intentions now, however he's too caught up in his power to realise the damage he will cause.

"Norman." I say firmly, to which he freezes. "Maybe... we can work something out."

He turns to me coldly. "You don't want to help me, you want to run away with your little friends and play heroes; but where has that gotten you, n/n? Absolutely nowhere. You can rot in here for all I care." He exits the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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