Chapter 4:

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Tessa "good morning", Brie "morning", Tessa "how did you sleep", Brie "I slept okay, I had to wake up to attend to her. She has a bad headache", Tessa "do you want me to go get coffee. There's a shop down the street", Brie "you really don't have to but I sure could use some coffee right about now", Tessa "okay I'll go get us something", Brie "okay, here you could take my keys just in case", Tessa "okay thanks", Brie follows behind Tessa to let the dog, Brie "thanks for staying the night with us", Tessa "thanks for allowing me to", Brie "could I kiss you", Tessa "I would love nothing more than that", the two of them kissed, then Tessa left for the store. Averie "mom", Brie "I'm down here honey", Averie hugged her mom, the two of them had their morning cuddles. Brie "how did you sleep", Averie "I'm okay", Brie "do you still have that wicked headache", Averie "it's off and on momma. I have it and then I don't", Brie "do you still have homework", Averie "a little bit", Brie "could you finish it", Averie "yeah", Averie started doing her homework. Tessa "I'm back", Brie "hey", Tessa "this is for you", Brie "thanks", Tessa "Averie", Averie "yes", Tessa "your mom told me you like the white chocolate one", Averie "thanks", the three of them had breakfast. Averie "mommy what are we doing today", Brie "I'm not sure yet", Averie "could we get Christmas decorations", Brie "is that really what you wanna do babe", Averie "yeah momma. Please, please", Brie "alright go and shower then get ready", Averie "okay mommy",
Brie "I'm gonna go take a shower, there is another bathroom in the guest room", Tessa "okay". 2 hours later. Averie "mommy I don't have any more mascara", Brie "come here", Averie "not too much", Brie "I know baby, I won't put too much".

1 month later.
The adoption was finalized, after the court hearing, Averie officially has Brie's name, Brie has been having a rough time with her, Averie has not been wanting to eat anything, she's taken her to a couple of doctors and specialists to try and figure out the problem but no has found any solution to what is happening. Tessa "are you okay", Brie "no I'm not, it sucks that I've been having to blend her food just so she can have it. She barely even drinks it blended, I have to force her to drink it", Tessa "did you have ever think she could possibly have an eating disorder", Brie "she was eating just fine when I first took her in my care and now she won't even eat", Tessa "do you know much about medical background or her medical history", Brie "no", Tessa "maybe you should get in touch with the her previous doctor to learn about her medical history. You're her mama and should know what's going on", Brie "I hope she eats her lunch", Brie looked down at her phone to notice her phone was going off, Brie "I gotta take this", Tessa "okay", Brie "hello", "hi is this Averie's guardian speaking", Brie "yes this is her mother. Can I ask what's this about", "so I've noticed a pattern in my class, a pattern involving your daughter", Brie "what do you mean by that", "everyday for the past month your daughter has been leaving my classroom right after lunch to use the restroom and after she leaves to use the bathroom I get a call from the nurse's office saying she's not feeling well", Brie "I'm confused", "we think your daughter may be forcing herself to physically remove the food she's eaten previously at lunch", Brie "as in puking. Isn't that called Bulimia nervosa", "yes that is what it's called. And we think she may be taking this action because she's being brutally bullied by the same group of girls", Brie "where is my daughter right now", "she's in the office with the Dean", Brie "could I come and pick her up please", "of course. We're sending her homework with her, she could take as much time as she needs away from school for the sake of her health", Brie "thank you. I'll be on my way", "okay. Bye bye", Tessa "everything okay", Brie "Averie's been forcing herself to puke after lunch for the past month", Tessa "I'm so sorry", Brie "can you just maybe make her some soup. Set up a nice bubble bath for her when we get home", Tessa "of course", Brie left the house and went to the school to pick up her daughter. In the car. Brie "honey I got a call from your school today and it's the reason I'm picking you up", Averie "okay", Brie "have you been doing something you aren't supposed to be doing", Averie "no", Brie "baby please don't lie to me", Averie "I'm not momma", Brie "how was your lunch today? Did you like the banana muffins I baked for you", Averie "yeah, they're we so delicious and tasty", Brie "Averie Sidonie", Averie "yes momma", Brie "I don't like lying", Averie "but I'm not mommy", Brie "has anyone been picking on you? Bullying you"? Averie "mommy why are you asking me all these questions", Brie "because your teacher told me she believes that you are making yourself puke everyday after school lunch. I think that's true and it's the reason for you losing a couple of pounds. And being so picky with food", Averie "they call me names. They always do momma and they never leave me alone. I feel ugly so I make myself puke, if I get rid of the food in my body then I'll be more beautiful", Brie "no one is perfect my love. Everyone has their flaws but for you to be doing this to yourself, is breaking my heart. You're absolute beautiful mamas, inside and out. You're mommy's girl and I love you just the way you are", Averie "I don't feel so beautiful. They say I'm ugly because of my skin color, that I'm not as pretty as you. They saw my hair looks like leaves, momma I hate it. I hate everything about myself", Brie "please don't say that. That is not true at all", Averie "yes it is", she said slamming the car door as she ran inside the house. Tessa "I take it your talk didn't go as planned", Brie "no not at all. In no way was I expecting the things she said to ever come out of her mouth", Tessa "foul mouth", Brie "no. Nothing like that, but I am completely shocked by her statement", Tessa "what statement", Brie "at first she denied the entire situation. Telling me she wasn't lying, but when I told her what her teacher told me she came clean right away. She says all the girls that are bullying her make her feel ugly, they tell her that, so she needs to puke so the weight could go down and she'll be more beautiful. They say her skin color is ugly, that she's never gonna be as beautiful as me. They tell her that her hair looks like leaves, she told me herself that she hates herself, that she doesn't feel pretty in her own body or skin. She's 12, why should a 12 year old have to go through something like that", Tessa "you need to restore her confidence, show her that you love her for her. That she doesn't need to change because of what others think. You need to reassure her that she's more than beautiful and that it's okay not to be perfect because there is no such thing", Brie "I don't think she's gonna wanna talk to me", Tessa "she's gonna have to", Brie "that's like forcing her", Tessa "just let her hear your voice, she needs you. You're her shoulder to cry on, her person to hug, and her voice when she can't speak for herself", Brie "I will", Brie and Tessa kissed, then Brie headed to her daughter's room. Brie "hey babe. What are you doing", Averie "nothing just writing a birthday list for things I want", Brie "that's cool", Averie "I'm sorry I yelled", Brie "that's okay babe. Why do you think that puking will solve anything", Averie "I know it won't momma. It could make me sick", Brie "it could. You shouldn't have to do that. Mommy needs you to gain all that weight back. Even if mommy has to feed you herself", Averie "I could eat portions", Brie "that's good enough for me baby girl. Now I'm not sure if you noticed but there's a bubble bath patiently awaiting you", Averie "with bath bombs", Brie "two", Averie "my favorite candy", Brie "yep", Averie "music", Brie "of course", Averie "and you in there with me", Brie "always baby, let's go". After their bath, the three of them settled for a bit of fun, watching a couple of Averie's favorite movies, along with playing her favorite games. Brie "so what do you wanna do for your birthday", Averie "go to New York City", Brie "that would be one amazing trip", Averie "I really have dinner at this restaurant called Gayle's Broadway rose, the waiters sing. It looks like so much fun, I wanna go to Times Square, I wanna see Moulin Rouge the musical and meet my musical idol. I wanna go to the wax museum", Brie "that's a lot princess", Averie "I've never really celebrated my birthday. It's just been a day", Brie "we'll make that change when we fly to New York City for your birthday", Averie "wait. We can really go for my birthday", Brie "are you kidding me? We can do whatever you want for your birthday, it's your birthday. So you can choose what you want to do", Averie "thanks", she hugged her tightly. Averie "you're the best mommy ever. I love you", Brie "I love you too my princess".

9,929,929 likesBrieLarsonYou never know what your child is really going through until you have to find out the hard way

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You never know what your child is really going through until you have to find out the hard way. I heard from my daughter's school teacher and the nurse that my daughter has been making herself puke after lunch. Specifically this has been going on for a whole month and I had no idea. My daughter is being badly bullied in school, I've heard all sorts of things, but the most I've heard from her is that girls are picking on her telling her that her skin is ugly. Her hair looks like leaves, that she will never be pretty like me, and it hurts to know children can speak like this. My beautiful girl, I dislike that she is being treated like this, she wants to be friends with everyone because she's the kindest girl ever. Bullying is disgusting, and it could lead to your child being in danger. I don't know what could have happened if I hadn't find out about what was going on. I applaud my daughter for telling me how she truly felt, although it took slight effort. If your a parent out there of a child who is being constantly bullied and harassed at school don't keep your mouth shut or their mouth shut. Speak up and do what is right. Over the past month without me knowing this was going on my daughter lost a couple of pounds, and not in a good way. She's refused to eat, and currently has been eating her food and it has to be blended. If anyone could send my daughter some encouragement messages, I would really appreciate it. All of it. Don't be silent and please speak up for what is right.

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