Chapter 5:

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Brie "hey bubba did you eat anything", Averie "no", Brie "sweetie you have to eat something", Averie "I don't want to momma", Brie "we talked about this. Does mommy have to feed you", Averie "momma no", Brie "you need to eat. You're becoming too fragile and I don't like that", Averie "but I don't wanna eat momma", Brie "I need you to eat. Whether you like it or not. You're going to eat", Averie "no", Averie started having a tantrum just as Tessa came back from the supermarket. Brie "sorry", she muttered low enough for Tessa to hear. Brie took her daughter by the hand and took her to the bedroom to chat with her. Averie "get off of me mommy. Let me go", Brie "please stop it. You're making me angry", Averie "I'm not hungry", Brie "I don't care. You're being ridiculous right now. You're very picky and it's killing me. Why are you acting like this? What is this", Averie "stop it that's mine", Brie "you're too little to even have this. That's not correct. How old are you", Averie "mommy", Brie "answer the question", Averie "nine", Brie "why does it say twelve", Averie "the orphanage had us lie about our ages", Brie "how come you didn't tell me this now I have to change your class", Averie "I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you mama", Brie "it's okay baby", Averie "mommy", Brie "yes baby girl", Averie "can you make me waffles and bacon please", Brie "of course", the three of them had breakfast. Tessa "what are we doing today", Brie "I have a meeting, do you think you could take her to the park", Tessa "sure", Brie "hey babe do you wanna go to the park with Tessa while I stay here and do my meeting", Averie "yeah", Brie "why don't you go and get ready. Mommy will pack you some snacks to take with you", Averie "okay", Tessa "so you said the orphanage had them lie about their ages", Brie "yeah. But I already sorted that out. Her new certificate will come in a few days", Tessa "that's good", Brie "yeah", Averie "I'm done mommy", Brie "you two have fun. And listen to Tessa", Averie "I will mommy, and make sure she eats some of that", Tessa "okay I will", Brie "have fun you two", Tessa "we will", Brie tided up the house, before jumping in the shower. After her shower she got dressed in a basic outfit and stood behind her laptop for her zoom meeting. An hour after the zoom meeting, she cleaned up Averie's room a bit and started a load of laundry. While the clothes are washing, Brie starts working on dinner, Brie smiled at her phone when she had received multiple pictures from her two favorite girls at the park. Brie was in the middle of cooking dinner when she received a call from her girlfriend, Brie "hello", Tessa "hey. So Averie was playing with another girl and she fell off of the monkey bars", Brie "did something happen", Tessa "Averie's arm is broken", Brie "how do you know that", Tessa "her arm is bent in a way it is not supposed to be in", Brie "I'm on my way", Tessa "hey talk to mommy", Averie "mommy", Brie "hi baby", Averie "I want you", Brie "I know baby. Mommy's on her way right now", Brie "are you at the hospital yet", Tessa "just arrived, checking her in", Brie "I'll be there shortly", Brie drove as fast as she could to the hospital while maintaining the speed limit so she wouldn't get in trouble. Tessa was in a room with Averie, the doctor gave her a dose of medication, Averie "I want mommy", Tessa "I know. She'll be here soon", Brie rushed to the hospital. Brie "shh mommy's here. I'm here", she said holding her daughter's hand, Averie cried, Tessa told her to look away while Brie took a look at her arm, Brie nodded over to her girlfriend realizing that her arm was indeed. The doctor gave her some more medicine, took a couple of X-rays. Averie "mommy", she cried, Brie "shh baby. I'm here, I'm right here", once given a stronger dose of medication, she fell asleep. Two doctors worked together to wrap Averie's arm, Brie "how did this even happen", Tessa "monkey bars, her and another girl were playing and she fell right off", Brie "we can't leave yet until she wakes up and the medicine wears off", Tessa "I'm sorry", Brie "for what", Tessa "for letting her get hurt", Brie "it was not your fault, you can't blame yourself", after three hours of being in the hospital, Averie woke up. Brie "hey honey. How are you feeling", Averie gave her mom a thumbs up, Brie "you are definitely still drowsy", "hey sweetie, how are you feeling", Averie "okay", "so mom, in two days you are gonna bring her back and we are gonna take another set of X-rays for her which is gonna determine if she needs surgery to repair the damage or a cast to help it heal completely", Brie "once the medication wears off we could take her home", "yeah, of course", Brie "okay". Brie got an incoming call from her mom who was just checking in on them, luckily an hour after Averie had woken up, another doctor had given Brie some discharge papers and a wheelchair, they figured since Averie was still a bit drowsy, that they would wheel her to the car in a wheelchair, Brie waited with her and Tessa went and got the car bringing it to the main entrance, Brie helped her daughter get into the car and then got in right after her. Tessa drove them back home, right after arriving back home, Averie went straight to her room, Brie and Tessa put a few of her stuffed animals in the bedroom they were sleeping in, they figured Averie wasn't gonna wanna sleep alone so they prepared their room for her to be able to join them for the next few nights. Tessa "you okay", Brie "yeah", Tessa "I noticed that you started to cry when the doctor gave her medicine to put her to sleep. How come", Brie "I've never had to witness something like this, her arm was literally bent", Tessa "I'm gonna go take a shower", Brie "okay", Tessa went to take a shower, while Brie stood in bed thinking about what had happened to her daughter. Averie "mommy", Brie "I'll be right there", she changed into her shorts and tank top then went to her daughter's room. Brie "hey baby. What's up", Averie "can I sleep with you and Tessa for a few nights", Brie "of course baby, come on", Averie "are we gonna have dinner momma", Brie "yeah when Tessa gets out of the shower", Averie "okay", Averie followed her mom back to the room, the two of them watched a movie while waiting for Tessa. Averie "what's this movie called", Brie "it's called short term 12", Averie "what's it about", Brie "we'll a woman works at this facility with troubled children", Averie "that's you mommy", she said smiling hard. Brie "that is me baby. How's your arm feeling", Averie "I can't really feel it momma", Brie "it was pretty bad when mommy first saw it", Averie "what did it look like", Brie "I don't wanna show you my love, it's really gruesome", Averie "but mommy", Brie "honey I'm sorry I don't want you to see what you're arm looked like, it was too graphic", Averie "okay", Brie held her stomach as she felt a sharp pain. Averie "mommy are you okay", Brie squealed again, Averie "mommy are you okay", Brie "I'm fine baby, can you pass mommy that bottle", Averie "here", Brie "thanks baby. Could you pass mommy the Tylenol", Averie "these momma", Brie "yeah", Brie took two of the pills and drank some of the ginger ale. Averie "mommy is your stomach hurting", Brie "a little bit", Tessa "hey. Averie how are you feeling", Averie "I'm okay", Tessa "babe are you okay", Brie "my stomach hurts so bad", Tessa "did you take something", Brie "I just took Tylenol, that's about it", Tessa "did you have anything to eat", Brie "babe I'm fine", Tessa "Averie meet me in the kitchen for dinner", Averie "okay", Tessa "are you gonna join us", Brie "yeah, but I don't think I could eat much", Tessa "okay, that's okay", the three of them had dinner, while watching a movie. Averie "mommy look", Brie "hey let's not play with our food", Averie "okay, sorry momma", Brie "it's okay baby girl", after they finished dinner, Averie sat on the couch and continued watching the movie, Tessa cleaned the dining table and Brie cleaned all of the dishes. Brie "ready for bed princess", Averie "yeah", Brie picked her up, the three of them went to the bedroom. After watching another movie, the three of them cuddled up in bed and fell asleep.

2 days later

9,939,399 likesBrieLarson2 days ago my daughter injured her arm pretty badly after visiting the park with Tessa while I was at home due to a meeting

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2 days ago my daughter injured her arm pretty badly after visiting the park with Tessa while I was at home due to a meeting. When Tessa first called me about the incident, she sounded scared and frantic, I rushed to the hospital. My daughter's right arm had been broken, her arm was bent and was too graphic so I couldn't upload a picture. But we did upload a video to my YouTube channel, where you could see the incident and our day before it happened. We went to the hospital again today, to get a check in and to see if she was gonna need emergency surgery. Luckily we were in luck and all she needed was another cast, so during the visit her first cast was removed, doctors took more X-rays, her arm was still pretty bad. She's gonna keep this cast on for two weeks, and we have another appointment for her, and if her X-ray is still bad, she will have to have reconstructive surgery, and then a cast for the remainder. She's the toughest girl I know, I also found out the orphanage had been having the kids lie about their age, my daughter is 9, I do have her updated birth certificate and social security card. I am gonna warn you the video of my daughter's incident is very disturbing, watch at your own risk. Thanks for all of my fans who have been on this adoption journey with me, I love sharing my beautiful daughter to the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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