009. Safety First

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"We need to tell the chief," Amelia started, "she can get some security to make sure you're safe Em".

"We need to page Dr. Altman too, but we can't tell her until she has finished the surgery," addison added.

"Ok," said Meghan, "I'll go page them both"

After Meghan left, addison hugged Emily tight. She felt so protective over her niece, almost as if she was her own child. She had been through more than anybody could imagine. She didn't deserve any of this.


"Ok I just need to make sure the sutures hold", Altman said to nobody in particular. The surgery had gone well, she had managed to fix this little girls heart, and she couldn't wait to tell her parents the good news. It's always harder when it's kids.

"Dr. Altman, you're being paged by Dr. Hunt," one of the OR staff said.

"We'll did he say what he wants?" Asked Teddy, knowing that her husband would often pave her for no reason at all.

"It's not your husband," the nurse said, "it's his sister".

Teddy panicked. Could it be Farouk? Surely not. He seemed fine when she saw him earlier. She finished up her surgery, spoke to the parents, and ran to find her sister in law.

When she finally found her, Meghan refused to tell her what was going on. She instead led her to an on call room. Teddy was getting more and more confused. What was happening?

"How is your patient?" Addison asked as soon as Teddy stepped into the room.

"She's ok, we're just waiting for her to wake up. What's this about?" Teddy asked, extremely confused. That was when she walked in properly and saw Amelia on one of the beds with her arms around Emily.

"Why don't you sit down," Amelia replied, "this may be a lot to take in".

After a lot of uncertainty, Emily began her story, the same way she had told Meghan, except this time she had her two favourite women to help her. Addison and Amelia cut in when it became too hard and filled in the gaps.

Finally, they told Teddy that her patients father was the man Emily was haunted by. Teddy didn't know what to say. She was hit with a sudden wave of anger. She wanted to run out to him. But then she looked at the girl sitting before her. Scared beyond belief. She was the top priority right now.

Before Teddy could say anything, the chief burst through the door. Emily suddenly felt extremely overwhelmed. She couldn't handle so many people knowing what she had, up until yesterday, tried so hard to hide.

Addison could immediately see her nieces discomfort, and brought Bailey outside the room. She didn't go into details, just said that Emily needed security, and that this man needed to be kept away from her.


The group had been sitting in the on call room for the past few hours. Bailey had left to get the security team to monitor the area where the man that she considered a monster was. They had to be discreet, so he wouldn't get suspicious.

At some point Meghan had gone to get everyone food. Amelia looked at the time. "It's almost time for Josh to be collected from school", she said. "Do you want me to ask Meredith to get him?"

Emily wanted nothing more than to hold her boy tightly. But she also didn't want to leave the hospital. At least when she was there, she knew that Josh was safe, because she knew he hadn't left. She didn't know what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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