Chapter 45 I Don't Want to Hurt you

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Trigger warning: Trauma, suggestive touching

(Zenitsu's perspective)

When y/n woke up, she had a serious hangover. I had to close all the windows because of how terrible her head hurt. I could tell that she felt really bad about what she did.



"I'm sorry you have to take care of me now. You don't have to, you know?"

"I don't mind taking care of you, you know. Besides, I like it when you're dependent on me."

She blushes at me.

"Did I give you any problems last night?" She asked

"Nope." I place an ice pack on her head.

"You're lying. There's no way I did nothing."

"You were fine.

You were a little stubborn but when are you not?" I lift up the ice pack and kiss her forehead.

"That's good. I remember that Genya was there but I don't exactly remember what I said."

I stay silent.

"What did I say to him?" She asks sweetly.

I sat on the bed with her.

"You said that he was a big muscular man and then started hugging him."

"Oh..." she stays quiet. "I'm sorry. That probably made you feel a little insecure huh?"

I nod my head. "Yeah but," I put my arm around her "I know you didn't mean it like that and I know you would never leave me."

She smiled at me "I'm glad you know that." She snuggled up against me.

"Do you need anything?" I ask

She shakes her head.

"You want something to eat?"


"I'm gonna make you eat something, you know."

"I'm gonna throw up if you do that."

"Fine, I'll let you go this time." I said

She weakly forced a smile.

She eventually falls asleep again. I think she just needs to sleep the hangover off and she'll be okay. She still worries me. What if she has alcohol poisoning and she dies!? I Don't like to see her sick like this. I decided to check up on her later when she wakes up again.

(Y/n's perspective)

I really appreciated when Zenitsu took care of me the other day. It shows me that no matter what I do, Zen will be there for me. I woke up that morning and Zenitsu was lying on my chest. Usually it's the other way around but I'm not complaining. He decided to sleep in that morning. I guess taking care of me wore him out. I don't blame him. I can be a lot sometimes. I sat there with him until noon. I just couldn't pull myself to move and wake him. Finally, he woke up.

"Good morning y/n Chan~" he said

"Good morning my Zeni"

He squints his eyes.

"It's so bright out. What time is it?"

"Almost noon." I said, stroking his hair.

"You still waited for me to wake up?"

"Of course. I would wait for days Zen."

"Aren't you hungry?"

I giggle. "Not really. But I don't care how long you take zenitsu, I really don't. I enjoy spending time with you."

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