Chapter 46 I Promise

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Zenitsu hated the idea of leaving me alone while he was on the mission. He made me promise all sorts of things to make him feel better.

"Do you promise to eat while I'm gone?"

"Yes Zeni."

"How many meals a day?"


"Good, and no alcohol okay?"

"Okay Zen."

"If you have a bad dream, go to Kyio, Sumi and Naho, okay? Don't deal with it yourself."


"Do you promise to think about me y/n chan?"

"Of course Zen! I won't forget you for a second!"

"And don't do anything that'll get you hurt."


He started to cry and cling onto my legs.

"I'm really gonna miss you y/n! I really don't want to leave!"

"It's okay! You'll be fine!"

"I'll never be fine without you!"

I look him in the face.

"You're the strongest person I know! You're gonna do great! I believe in you!"

He smiles and wipes his tears away.

"You promise you'll be okay without me for a couple days, right?"

"I think I'll manage." I giggle. He's so dramatic. I give him a kiss. "Now go on!" I said, opening the door for him. He was on his merry way.

It wasn't until he was gone that I realized that I spent most of my time with him, leaving me with not much to do. I should go hang out with Inosuke for a little. That makes me happy. I went over there and Aoi was there, trying to change Inosuke's bandages, since he just woke up from his coma a couple days ago and got stabbed during the last battle.

"Hey Inosuke!" I said walking in the room.

"Woah! Minion! I thought you died!" Inosuke acted astonished

"You literally saw me the other day at lunch and the day before that when I gave you that worm."

"Oh yeah, that worm was really dumb by the way. It stopped moving when I threw it against the wall and didn't do the cool digging anymore."

"That's because you killed it..."

"What a weak worm." He said, "Where's Chunitsu?!" Inosuke said, still struggling, making it impossible for Aoi to change his bandages.

"He's on a mission right now. He just left."

"Y/n? Do you think you could do this for me?" Aoi said, talking about the bandages.

"Why me?!"

"Because for some reason, Inosuke listens to you more than the person trying to make sure he doesn't get an infection and die." She said, annoyed.

"I'll try."

"Alright Inosuke, Imma take off your bandages now."

"What's the point of doing that?"

"You have to change them so the wound doesn't get infected."

I start to unwrap the bandages.

"You wanna see the damage?" I asked, trying to keep Inosuke interested so he could cooperate.

Music to My Ears (Demon Slayer KNY Zenitsu x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now