Chapter 2: Darkness in her Eyes

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Haerin's POV

"Haerin! Danielle! Wake up you two, Breakfast is ready!"

I heard my mom shout from downstairs.
The ray from the sun peeks through the curtain of my room's open window.

I looked at the clock. 6:12 AM.

I tried to get up, only to fail miserably by the resistance of the person who was grasping my right hand tightly.

"Danielle" I shaked her, earning a groan.
"Hey wake up. It's morning already, we'll be late."

"I don't feel like going to school today..."
She said sleepily.


"I don't want to see Haerin talking with other boys in class"
She whined, protesting.

I sighed. Seriously...

"You know it's inevitable to talk with our fellow students, plus you always ignore me whenever you're with your friends"

"I do not!" She said immediately sitting up, looking at me.

"Yes you do, now get up already before mom gets mad." I said, about to stand up.

She suddenly grab my hands and pushed me to lay down on the bed, getting on top of me. Immediately, she pinned my hands on each side.

"Good morning." she said in a low tone.

There it is again... I could see her eyes darkened as she brings her face closer towards mine.

Just... what are you thinking?

3 years had past since I've met you...
Since the day my mom took you in and became my sister. But even now, I don't get why you do that unnecessary actions.

Whenever I'm talking with someone, you always barge in and try to take my attention. You tend to hug me from behind whenever you see me staring through the window. You demand that every day we would kiss each other good mornings.

At first I accepted those command, as I see it the way you cope from the trauma you experienced that night.

But as time flies by, you became bolder.

You said it was normal for sisters to do that kind of stuff...yet you hide all our doings from mom.

I don't understand you Danielle.

I tried to pushed her away but it only strengthen her desire. She bit my lower lips before sliding her tongue inside.

She closed her eyes and I could feel her grip getting tighter.

"Girls? Are you awake?" We heard a knock on the door. It was mother.

I pushed her off me and immediately fixed myself before getting up to open the door. As soon as the door was open, I could see my mom staring at us with irritation.

"It's already morning, for God's sake" she huffed. "C'mon downstairs before breakfast gets cold"

"Good morning mom!" Danielle run and kissed my mother's cheeks. In response, the old hag smiled.

"Good morning Danielle"

As we sat on the table, Danielle immediately talk about random stuff. What happened in school yesterday.

She seemed to have an infinite topic to keep a conversation going, and I adore that.

At some point we made eye contact and she smiled at me, showing her crescent-shaped eyes. I smiled back before I continue eating.

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