Chapter 3: Hypnotized

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Danielle's POV

Look at me Haerin.

Can you distinguish the look I always give you? If so, why aren't you reciprocating it?

If you touch me with the same warmth as my love for you, then it's okay if it burns me.

Because whenever I see the wound, I'll remember your scorching love...

If that even exist.

Do you know how much I suffer the day you told me you have a boyfriend? I've spent  weeks of sleepless nights, hugging you... Hoping you'd be mine instead.

I looked at Haerin fondly. The way her back rises and fall, her nape showing its full glory caused by her hair, tied in a messy bun. It took every ounce of my strength to provoke me from giving in to my desires.

She scribble on her notebook without giving a single care in the world. I was itching to snatch her from her chair, pushed her onto the bed and kiss her until our clothes were on the floor.

It's a pity that our friends are coming over.

The silent surrounding the room was interrupted by the sound of knocking. Speak of the devil, the idiots have arrived.

I watch Haerin stood up and open the door, immediately showing a bunch of turd faces. 

Rei, Liz and Hyein, entered our shared room, occupying the bed as Haerin greeted them.

"Please have pity and tell these two not to show affections in public." Hyein, who's clearly annoyed, rolled her eyes as the two girls giggled.

"Isn't it nice that they're relationship is as strong as their bonds?" I query, veiling the fact that I'm so envious of them.

"Not if they're literally kissing like wild animals in a public bus." Hyein snorts with a disgusted face. 

"Agreed." Haerin comments.

"You're just jealous." Said the couple. Before adding, "Go get laid, already."

Kissing in a public place... Showing the  possession you have on your partner, it sounds too good. It confused me why people felt disgusted in some way. I mean, they're only showing how they love one another.

"Please don't make out on our bed."

Haerin said, crossing her arms.

"You two shared the same bed?" Liz asked with wide eyes, in which Haerin replied with a shrug. Oh the hopes I grip, wishing she would brag it to everyone at school.

"Anyways, the principal's announcement was quite disturbing, right?" Hyein, attempts to change the subject to a much more serious one.

"I actually felt goosebumps while he was talking. I have this excruciating feeling that someone in school is watching the scene and laughing..." Rei said, looking down.

"Are you telling that there's a chance that the killer is a student from our school?" Her girlfriend asked, nervously.

"Yes. I mean... It doesn't make sense, who would do such thing? Jihoo is an athletic jack and most importantly, one of the pride of our school." Rei explained.

"That just adds more reason why people would go after him, idiot." Hyein shook her, disappointingly.


"Plus, he's a jerk and a womanizer."

She added. Immediately, we turn our heads toward Haerin who was fiddling with her fingers. An elephant in the room.

"You didn't killed him, right?" 

Liz asked causing my eyes to twitch subtly.

"You moron." Hyein smacked her head, delighting me inconspicuously. "Haerin didn't even report him for beating her, because she's scared that Jihoo will be expelled."

It's true that Jihoo always beat Haerin for no reasons. Though I knew the truth, Haerin didn't told me a thing...not even her mother knows. Whenever she come home from their dates, her eyes would always be swollen from crying. She covers her bruises with lame excuses and I never believed her.

What makes my blood boil is the fact that she keeps up with the jerk's attitude and abusive nature for almost a year.

I moved closer to her and held her hands, squeezing it gently. I glared at Liz.

"I was joking, jeez!"

"You have no humour, babe."

Rei looked at her with a disappointed face, making her frown.

"L-let's just change the topic."

Haerin said, stuttering. She held my hands in which I gave her comfort. 

"Agreed." Hyein replied and I nodded.

"Thoughts on Professor Kim's dating rumors?" 

"No comments." Said the two.

The night went somewhat smoothly, we bought some foods and talk endlessly about random topics, typical girl nights. Throughout the time, I held her hands like my life depends on it. To my delight, she didn't seemed to mind it.




3 A.M

Silence dominated the whole room, cicada shrills in the midnight air as the ray of the moonlight illuminated our shadows. I couldn't careless about the other three girls that was passed out in our room. 

My eyes were fixated on Haerin's closed eyes, that captivating feline eyes. I wrapped my arm around her waist as I moved closer to her. 

I'll pray even to the most powerful God or Satan, just to have this girl. 

Love can be an obsession where you can either love one another, or burn together in that twisted dance of madness. 

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