First fight

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Steve and I don't fight much. There isn't much the Captain does that makes me angry, or vice-versa. But there were those days when I was in a bad mood, or something just pushed me too far the wrong way.

Today was one of those days.

I had been moody, stressed and upset all day and tried so hard not to take it out on Steve; anyone else was a different story. Now, I was laying down in bed, trying to relax.

Everyone at work at made it hard for me to. There so was much work and demands, and-


I heard Steve knock at my door. I groaned, flipping over on my stomach. Steve knocked again, letting me know he was coming in.

"Y/N, why are you just sleeping? The place is a mess. Have you done anything today?" He scolded me. I sat up, my face red with frustration.

"Because I'm tired, Steve!" I exclaimed. "Everyone at work gave me a rough time. I'm just trying to relax." I said calmly, reminding myself who I was dealing with.

"Well, I had a rough day, too. Doesn't mean we can just lay around."

I sighed, tears trickling down my cheeks. "Whatever, Steve. Sorry for having a bad day." I mumbled, pushing past him.


Tony had dragged me along to some stupid party he had to attend; insisting he brought me. Now, all the creepy old men were bothering me. Tony was off trying to make a deal with some bimbo, whilst I was being harassed.


One man grabbed my ass, and that was enough. I whirled around, my fist connecting with his cheek. I kneed him in the stomach, sending my foot to his crotch. Of course, everyone turned to look at me, including Tony.

"Of course, this got his attention." I thought angrily. Tony excused himself from the woman, walking over to me.

"What the hell, Y/N? You just ruined that deal!" He whisper-yelled.

"Oh, sorry I was being sexually harassed, Tony. Next time I'll let them have their way with me."

Tony groaned, holding my wrist and pulling me to his ride. I looked out the window silently.

"Next time, I just won't bring you." He muttered.

"I didn't want to go, Tony!" I screamed. "Last I checked, being felt up by old men wasn't my cup of tea, either!"

I sighed, unbuckling. "Stop the car." I demanded.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked angrily.

"I don't know! Somewhere away from you!" I hissed, jumping out of the car and toward a restaurant.


Bruce and I obviously didn't fight; like, ever. However, sometimes we got frustrated with one another, but they were never considered fights.

Normally, I would get upset with Bruce because of his obsession to work.

"Bruce, can you please stop working? I miss you." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him.

"Y/N, get off." He muttered, pushing me away. I frowned, sighing.

"If you love science so much, then just date it instead of me." I hissed, beginning to walk away.

"Y/N, I spend time with you. What are you getting at?" Bruce called out.

"Whatever, Bruce! Think what you like." I called back, storming out of the room. I knew I was being stubborn, but he deserved it. Maybe it would show him how upset I really was.

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