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Leo's pov:

I came to school the next morning. I knew there was a choir concert tonight. I dressed up. Addie was the strongest soprano in her section and I wouldn't miss a concert if it meant selling my soul.

I saw her. A short white top with black leggings. She wore her hair in a ponytail and, my favorite part, her black and white Nike blazers. Today, she looked different. She wore her glasses.

"You fuckin nerd" I tease, because of her glasses.

"Shut up!" She says, punching my arm playfully.

"Four eyes" I chuckle.

"You're a dick" she says, smiling.

I love her smile. How her teeth are so white and arranged perfectly. It's so inviting and warm. I wish I could kiss her.

Stop Leo. She doesn't feel the same way.

But she might.

She doesn't.


"Leo" she interrupts.

"Shit, sorry. I was thinking about the test in pre calc." I lie.

"Okay. We have class. Let's go." She says impatiently.

"Jesus! You're so bossy!" I say, following.

"You like it" she says, smiling.

She's right. I do. It's so hot.

"No I don't." I say, blushing.

"That look says otherwise" she says, noticing how red my face is.

"What look?" I say, trying to play it off.

"Be so for real." She says, side eyeing me.

"I am." I say.

"Let's just drop it. We're gonna be late." She says.

"Okay. Let's go!" I say in a hurry.

We walk inside and the only two seats are next to each other. Great.

Addies pov:

He was still blushing when we entered the classroom and sat down.

He's so cute. People assume he's a huge hardass but he's the biggest teddy bear ever. He would much rather be hugged than be the one hugging.

I need to stop. He has no feelings for me.

What will a few fantasies do?

The fantasies have taken over my life. I need to imagine him cuddling me to fall asleep. I imagine kissing him whenever I see him. I imagine his hand roaming my body as I ride him. I imagine how his cock would feel deep inside of me.

Addie! You're in class!

I'm blushing.

"You ok, ads?" He asks, smirking.

"Fuck off" I say, hiding my blush.

I love this boy.

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