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Leo's pov:

Then she said something I'll never forget.

"I'm killing myself tonight." She says, sobbing.

"Addie... no you're not. You're coming to my house and we can-" I say.

"No. I'm shooting myself tonight. I want you to speak at my funeral." She interrupts.

"Addie. No." I say holding back tears.

"It's already decided" she says.

"Addie Maya Evans. You are staying at my house and you won't leave my sight. I can't make myself more clear" I say.

She hugs me.

I hug her back.

"Lets go to my house" I say.

I pick her up and put her in the backseat of my car.

She's still sobbing.

It breaks my heart to hear her sorrow cries and seeing the tears roll down her beautiful face.

It pains me to know she's hurting.

We get to my house and I carry her upstairs and set her on my bed.

I put on a movie and take everything out of my room that she could hurt herself with.

Scissors, knives, lighters, candles, belts, everything.

I sit down next to her after putting everything where she couldn't find it.

I cuddle her so she knows she's safe

"Why didn't you tell me, princess?" I ask.

"I was scared" she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I didn't know how you would react" she says.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too" she says.

She falls asleep on my shoulder and I cuddle her and fall asleep too.

I hope she's safe...

I wake up and think about how much I love her and I don't sleep the whole night.

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