Day Three - Bronze Rank Influencer

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Stepping back into this world of Eve within Fashion Dreamer - Jennifer was ready to take on more quests, including the one that she had pending: Using the drone camera to take images. She thought about how and where she could use it for a moment before deciding to head over to one of the Muses who were just standing around. But first - it appeared that Jennifer would have to help them first.

Jennifer asked. "Would you like any assistance? And would you like to also have a photo done with me?"

The Muse that she had approached this time, was a familiar face – Tongue-Twister Talia.

Tongue-Twister Talia: I think I've gotten better at tongue twisters! It's so nice when practice pays off. Let me show you this as thanks for your support! Let's both make our dreams come true, okay?

From this quick interaction – Jennifer received a lucky coin amongst other rewards.

Talia gave the thumbs up as it was now time for the drone camera. Pleased, that was when Jennifer activated it before getting it in front of Talia. Leaving it to hover there – that was when Jennifer got in front of it, standing next to Talia as they then voice-activated the camera to countdown the seconds before taking the image.

3 seconds later, and that was when the drone camera had taken the photo.

Jennifer showed Talia the picture before proceeding to edit it, ready to be published. They were both pleased that this had worked out the way that they wanted it. Completing this quest in the process, which meant that the showrooms were now unlocked.

Jennifer stated. "Showrooms are unlocked. I wonder what they are. Maybe displays that I can create?"

Yet, it didn't take long until a tutorial dialogue box appeared.

In Your Showroom, create the showroom of your dreams by customizing its theme, adding furniture, and placing items on display! In the Showroom Stream, explore all kinds of different showrooms and obtain new items.

This was then followed by a Quest dialogue box.

Open up your very own showroom and display your favourite items! Clear Reward: 100 Creative Keys.

Jennifer smiled at this as she accepted this new challenge of making a showroom that others could visit. And yes – the showroom door was similar to a Portal Door – just more like as if she was walking through a digital screen, than the actual door that she could summon to go to this game.

Entering it – Jennifer was surprised at how it was a standard white tile space with a pastel-pink floral wall. She noticed how there was a grey circle in the middle – where she could place furniture as well as her custom outfits. And that was when – a new tutorial dialogue box had appeared.

Muses can't visit your showroom while it's closed. Once you've put some items on display, press the – Button to set it to "Now Open."

As a controller mysteriously appeared – that was when Jennifer got to work with designing this space. It took a bit of time, but eventually, she was happy with how it had turned out. She started with changing the walls and floor to make it a bit more homely. Finding a radio nearby, she flicked through the music stations before finding one that she liked – Cute music. Her first piece of furniture was an open dresser, where she proceeded to display the shoes. Next was a blue shell chair that she put in the other corner of the space that she was allowed. After that, a hanging light was installed, followed by a mannequin that she placed in the front part of the room. It was soon decorated with clothing that she thought was interesting and sweet. And to top it all off, she completed the room with a pile of gifts in one corner. Pleased with this – that was when she opened the showroom before proceeding to save and exit this space.

And yes, she did use the drone camera to take a photo of herself in this new space before leaving. Meaning that she had managed to complete her next quest. Earning the Creative Keys in the process. Soon, that was when the Guide Muse reappeared to congratulate Jennifer on this new achievement.

Guide Muse: What a beautiful showroom you've opened! And it's already getting lots of attention from other Muses, too. This is where you'll start building your true success as an influencer. If you connect to the Internet and play in online mode, you can add unique Muses from all over the globe to your Eve world! And other players can add you to their Eve worlds as well. The items you create and the outfits you design will reach those players, and from there will be found by more and more people. What's more, Likes will reach you regardless of where they're from, and your Likes will reach far and wide, too. Of course, you can continue playing in solo-mode like this as well. Whichever mode you choose, I can't wait to see what you'll create! Well, good luck and have fun! I look forward to seeing you again!

Jennifer commented. "That sounds very interesting – I should give that a try sometime."

That was when Jennifer was suddenly taken to the main menu – where there were now three options: Online Mode, Solo-Play Mode, and Options. Immediately, she went for the Solo-Play Mode, as it was a bit quicker and maybe safer.

Going back into the game – the area flashed with numerous hashtags once more before entering her single-player Eve world in Cocoon Hope.

Opening her Eve Log, she had earned more followers and Likes – bringing her follower count up to 116. Impressed, that was when Jennifer decided that it was time to assist some Muses who were requiring her assistance.

Over near the Bingo Machine, was Writer Penny – who needed some new pants. Jennifer kindly accepted the offer to help with finding a new pair.

Writer Penny: Hmm. I wonder what's trending now? I wish the trends wouldn't change so fast!

As quickly as she could, Jennifer found a pair before showing them to Penny. And on getting changed into this new pair, along with a somewhat matching outfit – Penny was massively impressed by what Jennifer had thought up and made.

Writer Penny: Hey, I bet this could be a hot new trend! Okay, I'm going to write an article about it! And, goodness! This color scheme! It's hot! I'm using it as inspiration for my next article!

Jennifer was amused by this as she then checked her Eve Log for how much she had earned from this: 40 Likes and 8 Followers. Meaning that she now had 124 followers. Jennifer was happy with this as she decided that it was likely time to end this brief session before going on to help other Muses.

Opening a Portal Door – that was when Jennifer had decided to return home, happy that she had completed the tutorials and could now go on with helping Muses up until the next rank.

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